William Lobkowicz

William Lobkowicz is a nobleman from the House of Lobkowicz of American origin with Bohemian roots. He grew up in Boston, Massachusetts, but moved to then Czechoslovakia in 1990 to claim his family's vast ancestral belongings, the restoration, preservation and display of which have become his profession and passion.

Family and youth

Gillian Somerville, wife of Maximilian Lobkowicz, later moved with their three sons, Martin, Dominik and Oliver from London to Boston. William is the fourth child and third son of Martin Lobkowicz by his Kentucky-born wife, Margaret Juett. Although junior members of the House of Lobkowicz were also once entitled to the prefix of "Prince" and the style of Serene Highness, William prefers to use the title only where professionally useful.

William Lobkowicz first visited Czechoslovakia in 1976 when he was 14. Lobkowicz went to Harvard University as an undergraduate where he majored in European history.
After his studies, Lobkowicz became a successful businessman in Massachusetts. He has three children by his wife of Romanian noble origin: William Rudolf, Ileana, and Sophia.

Restoration of property

Shortly after the fall of the Communist government in Czechoslovakia end of 1989, William Lobkowicz moved to the country of his ancestors to claim the family's former lands and castles. Lobkowicz's initial work focused on having the property legally restored to the family, a project which took much money and time.
Lobkowicz has since focused on the restoration, maintenance and upkeep of the castles now under his ownership. Of the more than ten castles and palaces once possessed by the House of Lobkowicz, William Lobkowicz now oversees four of them, including the ancestral Lobkowicz Palace at Prague Castle Complex, with some of the remainder having been sold off to finance the restoration as well as long-term maintenance of the other four. Additional financing has been obtained by converting some of the family properties to hotels and restaurants. The Lobkowicz Palace includes a restaurant, and guided English-speaking tours are offered.

Lobkowicz Palace at Prague Castle

One of two existing Lobkowicz palaces in Prague, the building restored to William Lobkowicz is situated at the utmost wing of the vast area of Prague Castle on the Hradčany Hill.
The Lobkowicz Palace exhibition includes original manuscripts of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven compositions. The most valuable manuscript in the collection is the original score of Beethoven´s Opus 55, Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major, composed in 1803/04. Beethoven had originally conceived of dedicating the symphony to Napoleon Bonaparte, but this would have deprived him of a fee that he would receive if he instead dedicated the symphony to Prince Joseph Franz Maximilian Lobkowicz. This Lobkowicz ancestor was also dedicatee of some other great works, including Joseph Haydn's "Lobkowitz" quartets, and Beethoven's 5th and 6th symphonies, as well as his Opus 18 string quartets.
Further, the exhibition shows, i.a., The Hay Harvest painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, one of five remaining landscape paintings belonging to The Months cycle. This work depicts the period of June–July and was created by the artist in 1565. In a frescoed hall of the palace, concerts of classical music are frequently given.


William Lobkowicz also runs the family's brewery which was founded in 1466 and was restored to him in 1992.