William P. Doyle

William P. Doyle is the former Commissioner of the Federal Maritime Commission.

Early Life

Commissioner Doyle was born in Boston, Massachusetts and raised in Weymouth. He is a 1992 graduate of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering. During Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm he worked in a shipyard breaking out vessels. After graduation from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy he served as an officer in the U.S. Merchant Marine from 1992 to 2002. He is a 2000 graduate of Widener University Commonwealth Law School.

Public Service

In 2008 and until 2011, Mr. Doyle was appointed under the George W. Bush Administration as the Director of Permits, Scheduling & Compliance for the Office of Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects. In 2013, the United States Senate confirmed President Barack Obama’s nomination of Mr. Doyle as a Commissioner of the Federal Maritime Commission. In 2015, Commissioner Doyle was unanimously confirmed by the Senate to a second term. Commissioner Doyle's left the Federal Maritime Commission in 2018 to become CEO and Executive Director of the Dredging Contractors of America.