Wingless insect

A wingless insect is an insect that does not have wings.
Many groups of insects do not have wings, so wingless subgroups are unremarkable. Apterygota are a subclass of small, agile insects, distinguished from other insects by their lack of wings in the present and in their evolutionary history. They include Thysanura.
Some species lacking wings are members of insect orders that generally do have wings. Some do not grow wings at all, having "lost" the possibility in the remote past. Some have reduced wings that are not useful for flying. Some develop wings but shed them after they are no longer useful.

Wingless flies

True flies are insects of the order Diptera. The name is derived from the Greek di- = two, and ptera = wings. Most insects of this order have two wings. Wingless flies are found on some islands and other isolated places. Some are parasites, resembling ticks.

Wingless flies

There are many species of wingless moths. Often only the females are wingless.

Moth species having wingless females