Wiraqucha (Cusco)

Wiraqucha / the eighth emperor of the Tawantinsuyu or Wiraquchan is a mountain in the Andes of Peru, about high. It is situated in the Cusco Region, Quispicanchi Province, in the districts Andahuaylillas, Huaro and Urcos, south-east of the higher mountain named Quri and north-west of Huaro. The Willkanuta River flows along the mountain. The lake Quyllur Urmana lies at its feet.
On top of Wiraqucha there is a pair of rocks which resemble two toads, one of them looking at "Apu" Ausangate and the other one looking at "Apu" Pachatusan. This pair, known as Wak'a Los Sapos de Wiraqucha, has been considered a wak'a by the local people.