Wolf Rock TV

Wolf Rock TV is a 1984 American animated series produced by DIC Enterprises and Dick Clark Productions, featuring the voice of Wolfman Jack. The series ran for seven episodes on ABC before it was canceled due to low ratings. Wolf Rock TV was replaced by Scary Scooby Funnies; which consisted of reruns of Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo shorts from The Richie Rich/Scooby-Doo Show.
The series was later reaired on syndication in 1989 with the other animated series Kidd Video in a segment known as "The Wolf Rock Power Hour". As of 2020, copies of the series remains lost, though a few animation cels and merchandise relating to the show had surfaced.


Wolfman hosts a rock music TV program with three teenagers, Sarah, Sunny and Ricardo, while playing some real live action music videos. A parrot named Bopper also appeared as their comic relief pet. They had a manager, Mr. Morris, who shows dislike towards the kind of music Jack showcases.
A segment was Wolf Rock News and another was The Rock N' Roll Museum with live-action interviews.
