Working Girl (TV series)

Working Girl is an American sitcom television series that aired on NBC from April 16 to July 30, 1990. Loosely based on the 1988 film of the same name starring Melanie Griffith, the series stars Sandra Bullock as Tess McGill, in a role that was initially meant for Nancy McKeon.


Tess McGill is a spunky, independent secretary who has suddenly become a junior executive after she charms company owner A.J. Trask. Tess' first challenge is to survive working with her antagonistic, uptight immediate boss, Mrs. Bryn Newhouse, otherwise known as the "company witch." Tess's best friend, Lana Peters, is a secretary who is more interested in doing her nails and rooting for Tess than in getting ahead herself. Meanwhile, Everett Rutledge is a fellow junior executive who is charming but eager to please. Libby Wentworth is Tess's world-wise "permanent temporary" secretary who is also a moonlighting musician. Back home each night on Staten Island, Tess has to contend with her doting parents, Joe and Fran. Tess also has to contend with Sal Pascarella, the blue-collar neighborhood Romeo who constantly pursues her.

Reception and cancelation

Debuting as a midseason replacement, Working Girl drew low ratings and was canceled after eight of the twelve episodes produced aired.


Production notes

The series was created by Kimberly Hill and Tom Patchett. Kenneth Kaufman and Tom Patchett served as executive producers.
"Let the River Run" was the series' theme song.


The series briefly reran on TV Land in the 1990s after Bullock became a major motion-picture star.