World News Media

World News Media Limited is the publisher of World Finance magazine which is tied to the marketing of numerous vanity awards under the name of the World Finance Awards. It also publishes The New Economy which organises The New Economy Awards. The company was established in 2004 and trades from London.

History and financials

The company was established in July 2004. Its registered office is in Judd Street, London, WC, but its offices are at 40 Compton Street in the London Borough of Islington. The director and principal shareholder is Howard Angel. As at 31 August 2019, the company had net shareholder's funds of £76,193. It has issued and paid-up share capital of £100.


The company publishes the magazines World Finance and The New Economy, bi-monthly or less frequently, in print and electronically free of charge by Issuu along with iPad and Android editions. The magazines feature in-house produced copy plus topical non-exclusive agency-produced articles. Editorials are credited to Project Syndicate. Features profile award winners and sponsored supplements are produced such as Project Finance Deals of the Year - 2015, Banking in Nigeria, and Sustainable Development in Morocco.
Business Destinations and European CEO are published by associated company Tower Business Media Limited on a similar basis and have their own set of awards.

World Finance Awards

As of 2013, the company provided awards in 16 different categories from banking to telecoms under the name of the World Finance Awards which started in 2007. Tim Hunter, writing in Stuff in 2014, commented, "Each award category has a winner for each country represented and in one single category there were 69 winners from countries including Angola to Vietnam and Pakistan to Peru. In the banking category there were more than 200 winners." The company's awards have since been extended to include Islamic finance.
In January 2017, the consumer watchdog of Botswana was threatened with a legal action for defamation by World News Media for questioning the criteria by which various banks in Botswana had been given a World Finance Award in 2012.

Selected winners