Worzel Gummidge Turns Detective
Worzel Gummidge Turns Detective is a British children's television series, first aired by the BBC in 1953. It was the first TV manifestation of Barbara Euphan Todd's character who had already appeared on radio and would reappear on television 26 years later.Cast
- Frank Atkinson as Worzel Gummidge
- Carol Olver as Penny
- Mabel Constanduros as Earthy Mangold
- Margaret Boyd as Mrs. Braithwaite
- David Coote as Andrew
- Janet Joye as Mrs. Bloomsbury-Barton
- Alanna Boyce as Shirley Morgan
- Vernon Smythe as Mr. Dyke
- Totti Truman Taylor as Aunt Sally
- Enter Two Scarecrows
- Aunt Sally
- Gummidge, the Sweep
- Gummidge Disappears