Wright Pulsar Gemini

The Wright Pulsar Gemini was a type of double-decker bus body built on the VDL DB250 by Wrightbus between 2003 and 2006. It was almost identical to the Wright Eclipse Gemini that was mounted on the Volvo B7TL chassis.
It was ordered almost exclusively by Arriva, with its Arriva London subsidiary purchasing 133.
A hybrid version was launched in 2006 as the Wright Pulsar Gemini HEV. In 2008, Wright launched the Gemini 2 integral with chassis modules supplied by VDL.


As with the Wright Eclipse Gemini, this bus has both the upper and lower deck front windscreens forming part of a single oval shape, with the destination display in between. In London, they have two doors for passenger loading, one at the front and one in the centre. The staircase is situated between the front and centre entrances.