Writing NSW

Writing NSW, formerly known as New South Wales Writers' Centre and WritersNSW, is New South Wales, Australia's leading provider of services to writers, including courses, seminars and workshops, writing groups, festivals and events, grants and prizes, and information and advice. It operates as a not-for-profit organisation and has provided support to the writers in NSW since 1991.
Writing NSW is managed by Executive Director Jane McCredie. The director and staff are responsible to a management committee elected by Centre members. As of 2018 there were approximately 2,000 members.
The Centre offers a program of activities including workshops, seminars, festivals, grants and competitions, as well as mentorships, leveraging opportunities for emerging writers and suggesting pathways to publication. It is the peak body for writers in the state of New South Wales.
Writing NSW occupies Garry Owen House, a restored Georgian mansion set in the grounds of Callan Park. The office is open from Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
The change of name from the New South Wales Writers' Centre took place in 2018.