Writing systems of Formosan languages

The writing systems of the Formosan languages are Latin-based alphabets. Currently, 16 languages have been regulated. The alphabet was made official in 2005.


The Sinckan Manuscripts are one of the earliest written materials of several Formosan languages, including Siraya. This writing system was developed by Dutch missionaries in the period of Dutch ruling.
After 1947, with the need for translation of Bible, Latin scripts for Bunun, Paiwan, Taroko, Atayal, and Amis were created. Currently, all 16 Formosan languages are written with similar systems. The Pe̍h-ōe-jī of Taiwanese Hokkien and Pha̍k-fa-sṳ of Taiwanese Hakka were also created with by the western missionaries.


The table shows how the letters and symbols are used to denote sounds in the 16 officially recognized Formosan languages.
Amisat͡sd, ð, ɬeb, f, vħikɾmnŋoprstuwxjʡʔ
Atayalaβ, vt͡seɣhiklmnŋopqrɾstuwxjzʔ
Bununabt͡s, t͡ɕde, əx, χikl, ɬmnŋopqstuvðʔ
Saisiyataæβəhiklmnŋoœprʃs, θtwjz, ðʔ
Sakizayaabt͡sd, ð, ɬəħikɾmnŋopstuwjzʡ
Seediqabt͡sde, əgħiɟklmnŋopqrstuwxj
Thaoabdɸhiklɬmnŋpqrsʃtθuβ, wjðʔ
Yamiabt͡s, t͡ɕɖəgɰid͡ʒ, d͡ʝklmnŋo, upɻʂtfwjrʔ

Spelling rules


Revision of the alphabets is under discussion. The table below is a summary of the proposals and decisions. Symbols enclosed with angle brackets ‹› are letters, while those enclosed with square brackets are from the International Phonetic Alphabet. The names of dialects are written in Chinese.
LanguageProposal2017 DecisionFinal Decision
Amis1. Amis, Sakizaya use ‹^› for glottal stop and ‹’› for epiglottal stop ,
while other languages use ‹’› for glottal stop
2. ‹u› and ‹o› seem to be allophones
3. 馬蘭: add ‹i’› for
4. 南勢: change ‹f› to ‹b›
1. Continue to use the standard
2. Advised to use only ‹u› or ‹o›
3. Rejected
4. Accepted
Atayal1. 賽考利克, 四季: add ‹f›; 萬大: add ‹z›
2. The use of ‹_› to: separate ‹n› and ‹g› sequence from ‹ng›, represent reduced vowel
3. 萬大, 宜蘭澤敖利: delete ‹q›
1. Rejected
2. Continue to use the standard
3. Accepted
Paiwan1. 中排, 南排: use ‹gr› in place of ‹dr›
2. Inconsistent use of ‹w› and ‹v›
1. To be discussed; 力里 needs a letter for
2. To be discussed
Bunun1. Add vowels ‹e› and ‹o›
2. 郡群: ‹ti› changes to ‹ci›
3. 郡群: ‹si›
4. 郡群 uses ‹-› for glottal stop
5. The loss of may cause ‹y› become a phoneme
1. Accepted
2. To be discussed
3. Remain ‹si›
4. Remain ‹-›
Puyuma1. 知本, 初鹿, 建和: add ‹b›
2. 建和: add ‹z›
3. 知本: add ‹dr›
4. 南王: delete ‹’› and ‹h›
5. 知本, 初鹿, 建和, 南王: add ‹o› and ‹ē›
6. The original practice of using ‹l› for retroflex and ‹lr› for is confusing.
It is suggested to use ‹lr› , ‹lh› , ‹l›
1. Only in loanwords
2. Only in loanwords
3. Advised not to add
4. Delete ‹h›
5. Only in loanwords
6. Can’t reach agreement
7. Delete ‹’› and use ‹q› for and
Rukai1. 大武: add ‹tr›
2. 萬山: add ‹b› and ‹g›
3. 霧台: add ‹é›
4. 多納: Use ‹u› in place of ‹o›
1. Only in loanwords
2. Only in loanwords
3. Only in loanwords
4. Accepted
Saisiyat1. Long vowel sign ‹:›
2. Add ‹c, f, g›
1. Delete
2. To be discussed
Tsou1. Delete ‹r› for
2. Use ‹x› for vowel ‹ʉ› for convenience
3. Add ‹g›
4. ‹l› has two sounds: and
1. Reserve the letter for 久美
2. Accepted
3. Only in loanwords
4. To be studied
Yami1. Churches use ‹h› for both and 1. ‹’› should be used for
Thao1. ‹.› should be used to distinguish ‹lh› and ‹th› 1. Continue to use the standard
2. Add ‹aa, ii, uu›
Kavalan1. The confusion of ‹o› and ‹u›
2. Add trill ‹r› for 樟原
1. Add ‹o› to distinguish from ‹u›
2. People from the tribe decided not to add
3. Add ‹y, w›
Taroko1. Add ‹’›
2. Add ‹aw, ay, uy, ow, ey›
3. Reduced vowel ‹e› should not be omitted
1. To be discussed
2. Add ‹ey›
3. People from the tribe wish not to change the current spelling rules
Seediq1. 都達、德路固: add ‹aw, ay, uy, ow, ey›
2. Add ‹j›
3. ‹w› should not be omitted
4. Reduced vowel ‹e› should not be omitted
1. Add ‹ey› ; ‹aw, ay, uy› added only in loanwords
2. Only in loanwords
3. People from the tribe wish not to change the current spelling rules
4. People from the tribe wish not to change the current spelling rules
Sakizaya1. Delete ‹^› for epiglottal stop
2. Loss of distinction between ‹x› and ‹h›
3. ‹l›, ‹r› seem to be allophones
1. Accepted; use ‹’› for and
2. Delete ‹x› and keep ‹h›
3. To be discussed
4. Use ‹b› in place of ‹f›
Hla’alua1. Add ‹ʉ› for
2. Delete central vowel ‹e›
1. Accepted
2. Accepted
3. Remain ‹r› for and ‹l› for
Kanakanavu1. Change ‹e› to ‹e›
2. Add ‹ʉ› for
3. Delete ‹l›
1. Accepted
2. Accepted
3. Delete ‹l› and use ‹r› for