Wuqi County

Wuqi County is a county under the jurisdiction of Yan'an City, in the northwest of Shaanxi Province, China, bordering Gansu province to the southwest. The county spans an area of 3,788.5 square kilometers, and has a population of 145,600 as of 2012.

Administrative Divisions

The county is divided into 1 subdistrict and 8 towns.
Zoning CodeEnglish NameHanziPinyin
610626001000Wuqi Subdistrict吴起街道Wúqǐ Jiēdào
610626101000Tiebiancheng Town铁边城镇Tiěbiānchéng Zhèn
610626102000Zhuowan Town周湾镇Zhōuwān Zhèn
610626103000Baibao Town白豹镇Báibào Zhèn
610626104000Zhangguanmiao Town长官庙镇Zhǎngguānmiào Zhèn
610626105000Changcheng Town长城镇Chángchéng Zhèn
610626106000Wugucheng Town五谷城镇Wǔgǔchéng Zhèn
610626107000Wucangbao Town吴仓堡镇Wúcāngbǎo Zhèn
610626108000Miaogou Town庙沟镇Miàogōu Zhèn


Wuqi is adjacent to Dingbian County in the northwest, Zhidan County in the southeast, Jingbian County in the northeast, and Huachi County in Gansu Province in the southwest. The county's two main rivers are the Wuding River and the Beiluo River. The region is largely hilly, with the terrain's altitude varying from 1,233 to 1,809 meters in height.


The county has warm, wet summers, and cool, dry winters. The county's minimum recorded temperature was -25.1°C, maximum recorded temperature was 37.1°C, and has an average annual temperature of 7.8°C. The county's average annual precipitation is 483.4 millimeters.


On October 19, 1935, forces belonging to the People's Republic of China captured the area. An account of Wuqi in 1936 can be found in Edgar Snow's "Red Star over China". At the time, it was the main industrial center of the communist-controlled Shaanxi/Gansu/Ningxia borderlands area, This is where the Red Army's arsenal. cloth, uniform, shoe and stockings factories were at the time. As Edgar Snow noted, the arsenal's products were mostly used to arm the Red guerilla fighters, while the regular Red Army units mostly used weapons captured from the enemy troops. The area was a part of the Shaan-Gan-Ning Border Region.


As of 2016, Wuqi County had a GDP of 10.8 billion Renminbi. The county's urban residents had a per capita disposable income of 32,883 Yuan, and its agrarian residents had one of 11,538 Yuan.

Natural Resources

The county has deposits of a number of minerals, including coal, petroleum, and gypsum.


The county is home the Yan'an-Dingbian Road.