XLIFF is an XML-based bitext format created to standardize the way localizable data are passed between and among tools during a localization process and a common format for CAT tool exchange. XLIFF TC was first convened at OASIS in December 2001, but the first fully ratified version of XLIFF appeared as XLIFF Version 1.2 in February 2008. Its current specification is v2.1 released on 2018-02-13, which is backwards compatible with v2.0 released on 2014-08-05. The specification is aimed at the localization industry. It specifies elements and attributes to store content extracted from various original file formats and its corresponding translation. The goal was to abstract the localization skills from the engineering skills related to specific formats such as HTML. XLIFF is part of the Open Architecture for XML Authoring and Localizationreference architecture.
XLIFF 2.0 and higher (the current OASIS ratified format)
The XLIFF Technical Committee is currently preparing to start working on XLIFF Version 2.2.. Prior to making of the major new version 2.0, much feedback had been gathered from XLIFF's user community which was successfully synthesized and implemented into the next generation version of the standard. Two of the primary methods used included compiling a list of extensions used by XLIFF toolmakers, and compiling a list of XLIFF features supported in each XLIFF tool.
Makers of XLIFF tools have taken advantage of XLIFF's extensibility mechanism in order to implement a number of features. By collecting a list of these extension points, and analyzing them for common tasks, the XLIFF TC hopes to improve the XLIFF 2.0 Specification to include mechanisms that will enable the toolmakers to support these features without using extensibility.
Makers of XLIFF tools have supported different sets of features in the XLIFF 1.2 Specification. By compiling a list of these features the XLIFF TC hopes to identify areas where the XLIFF 2.0 Specification can be improved to enable toolmakers to more widely support the specification.
On February 13, 2018 XLIFF 2.1 specification became an OASIS Standard In November, 2017 XLIFF 2.0 specification was approved as ISO 21720:2017 On August 6, 2014 the XLIFF 2.0 specification became an OASIS Standard On May 6, 2014, the XLIFF 2.0 specification was moved to Candidate OASIS Standard. Example of an XLIFF 2.0 document: srcLang="en-US" trgLang="ja-JP"> Quetzal Quetzal
An application to manipulate and process XLIFF documents XLIFF 文書を編集、または処理 するアプリケーションです。
An XLIFF 1.2 document is composed of one or more <file> elements. Each <file> element corresponds to an original file or source. A <file> contains the source of the localizable data and, once translated, the corresponding localized data for one, and only one, locale. Localizable data are stored in <trans-unit> elements. The <trans-unit> element holds a <source> element to store the source text, and a <target> element to store the latest translated text. The <target> elements are not mandatory. Cannot find the file. Fichier non trouvé.
The example below shows an XLIFF document storing text extracted from a Photoshop file and its translation in Japanese: source-language="en-US" target-language="ja-JP" tool="Rainbow" datatype="photoshop">
tool="Rainbow" date="20010926T152258Z" company-name="NeverLand Inc." job-id="123" contact-name="Peter Pan" contact-email="ppan@example.com"> Make sure to use the glossary I sent you yesterday. Thanks.
Quetzal Quetzal
An application to manipulate and process XLIFF documents XLIFF 文書を編集、または処理 するアプリケーションです。