Xaircraft UAV

Xaircraft X series UAV is a family of Chinese micro air vehicles developed by XAG.

X450 Pro

X450 Pro is a quadrotor MAV incorporating first-person view feature. Landing gear consists of four legs each mounted directly under each of the propeller. Specification:
X650V-4 is slightly larger than X450 Pro, with a different configuration of the landing gear, which consists of a pair of skids. X650V-4 is one of the two members of the X650 Value product line. Specification:
X650V-8 is slightly larger than X650-4, from which it is developed, and they share the identical configuration of the landing gear, which consists of a pair of skids. X650V-8 is the second member of the X650 Value product line. The main difference is that X650V-4 has four electric motors, while X650V-8 has a total of eight electric motors. Specification:
X650 Pro is largest MAV Xaircraft has developed, and it can be folded for easy transportation. Specification:
Xcope is a quadcopter mainly intended for aerial photography and cinematography through FPV. The landing gear of this electrically powered quadrotor consists of a pair of skids. Xcope incorporates a datalink so image taken can be downloaded in real time. Specification: