Xavier Buisseret
Xavier Buisseret was a Belgian politician.
In 1960 Buisseret became active in the far-right Flemish nationalist activist group Order of Flemish Militants. From 1970, until he left in 1977, he led the group.
From 1977 to 1980 Buisseret published the monthly magazine Haro together with Siegfried Verbeke and Roeland Raes. Haro published and distributed Nazi propaganda. Buisseret called for violence against French speaking people.
In October 1977, Buisseret was part of the founding of . He was a board member and propaganda leader. In 1981 he founded the Antwerp militant group Jongeren-Aktief for Vlaams Blok and wrote for the party magazine. From 1989 to 1994 he was a member of the Vlaams Blok board of the district of Antwerp. Until the end of 1995 he was propaganda leader of Vlaams Blok.
From 1991 to 1997, he was a member of the Chamber of Representatives for the party in the district of Antwerp. Between 1992 and 1995 he was also a member of the Flemish Parliament.
In 1997, Buisseret was convicted of violence on two teenage girls and got a six-month jail sentence and was stripped of his civil rights for five years. He was accused of having sexually molested two daughters of another Vlaams Blok party member in 1992 and 1993 when he was secretary of the party's youth division. He was succeeded in parliament by Luc Sevenhans.
In 2008 Buisseret became politically active again. For Vlaams Belang he was a member of the environmental advisory council in Wachtebeke, until 2012.
Buisseret died on 22 June 2020.