Xiqi language

Xiqi is an unclassified Loloish language of Huaning County, Yunnan, China. It is also called Siqipo 斯期颇 in Mile County.
Pelkey suggests that the Xiqi, Ati, and Long languages of Huaning County may be Southeastern Loloish languages.


The Huaning County Gazetteer 华宁县志 lists the following locations of Xiqi.
The Huaning County Ethnic Gazetteer provides a short word list of Adu, Ati, Xiqi, Nong, and Azhe transcribed using Chinese characters, shown below. Pinyin transliterations have also been provided below.
English glossChinese glossAdu Ati Xiqi Nong Azhe
water矣咋 翁咋
girl小姑娘燃米诺 尼格莫 阿门儿若 阿门儿少若 若麻儿西若
boy小伙子茶塞 差血若 阿杂若 撮沙若 若那儿
corn包谷矣白儿 苏柏儿 阻目 苏木白儿 火魔
have杂杂 杂杂 白儿 祖阿