Ya Muhammad

Muhammad or "Yā Rasūl Allāh" are expressions used by some Muslims.


The phrase means "O ". The word indicates the vocative case, signifying a direct address to a person. It is a common prefix used by Arabic speakers before personal names.


Use in Various Parts of the World

The vocative when used with Allāh is used to call upon God for help. It is also used to seek intercession through the Prophet or his family, companions and venerated figures. Some Sunnis, particularly Salafi-influenced groups, believe that this action is tantamount to Shirk and kufr.

Use to Call a stranger

In Saudi Arabia, Yā Muḥammad is used to address a stranger in order to begin a conversation. It is considered one of the polite and respectful ways to address a stranger, as Muhammad is considered as the most respectful name anyone can be called, hence its popularity among Muslims worldwide.

Mourning of Muharram

During the mourning of Muharram, spontaneous slogans of Ya Hussain, Ya Ali and Ya Rasulullah "Messenger of God!" are very common. On such occasions, the slogans are mostly demonstrations of strong support.


Sunni Muslims who consider saying "Yā ʻAlī", "Yā Rasūl Allāh" and "Yā Hussain" religiously impermissible argue that these people are not alive and cannot hear, and that only God should be directly invoked, whereas those Sunni Muslims who consider it permissible argue that it is actually an invocation of Allah. Shia Muslims consider it not to be invocation of Allah, but merely seeking their assistance.