Yami Qaghan

Yami Qaghan: Qǐmín Kěhàn, : Ch'i-min K'o-han, Middle Chinese:, personal name: Ashina Jankan, at one point known as Tolis Qaghan and after was the first qaghan of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate.


His parentage is uncertain as he was either son of Bagha Qaghan or Ishbara Qaghan. He was a subordinate khagan under Tulan Qaghan with title of Tolis Qaghan, ruling eastern tribes.
He sent an ambassador to Sui dynasty in 597, requesting to marry to a Chinese princess. Pei Ju saw this as opportunity and told him to kill Tulan Qaghan's Zhou origin khatun Princess Qianjin. Princess was murdered and emperor fulfilled his promise, sending Princess Anyi to marry him.
However, Tolis' ambitious behaviour caused outrage to khagan. Tulan started to gather invasion party to attack Sui repeatedly in 597 and 599, only to be reported to emperor beforehand by Tolis every occasion. As a reaction, Tulan approached to Tardu to combine forces and attack Tolis. Attack was a success and Tolis had to flee to China after his brothers and nephews getting killed during invasion.
In winter 599, he was created Qimin Khagan by Emperor Wen. Meanwhile Princess Anyi died and he was married to Princess Yicheng this time, a daughter of Yang Xie. Emperor also commissioned Zhangsun Sheng to build the city of Dali to house Qimin's people, and also sent an army to protect Qimin.
Meanwhile Tulan was killed by his men causing Tardu to assume throne and claim title Bilge Khagan in 599/600.
In winter 601, Emperor Wen commissioned Yang Su to command an army, in association with Qimin Khan as to attack Tardu.


After Tardu's subsequent defeat in 603, he fled to Tuyuhun. Having a cleared way Qimin assumed Turkic throne, definitely starting division between Western and Eastern wings of khaganate.
In spring 607, he went to Luoyang to pay a visit to Emperor Yang. In summer, he was visited back by Yang. Khagan's display of submission and loyalty caused Emperor Yang to bestow much honor and wealth on him. When the senior officials Gao Jiong, Yuwen Bi, and Heruo Bi privately expressed disapproval, Emperor Yang discovered their criticism and put all of them to death, while removing Su Wei, who also discouraged him from giving excessive rewards to khagan, from his post.
In spring 609, Qimin made another visit to Emperor Yang and was rewarded with much treasure. He died later from an illness.


He was married to Princess Anyi at first and later her death to Princess Yicheng. He also had a Tuyuhun concubine or wive. He had several issues: