Yatesboro, Pennsylvania

Yatesboro is an unincorporated community located in Cowanshannock Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. The community is located west of Rural Valley. Yatesboro has a post office with ZIP code 16263.
The elevation is 1,132 feet. Yatesboro appears on the Rural Valley U.S. Geological Survey Map. Armstrong County is in the Eastern Time Zone.


Yatesboro was founded as a company town on or about 1900, and built on farmland by the Rochester and Pittsburgh Coal and Iron Company. It was one of 17 company towns sold in 1947: McIntyre, Coal Run, Iselin, Waterman, Lucernmines, Aultman, Ernest, Tidesdale, Coy, Luciusboro, Fulton Run, Nu Mine, Yatesboro, Margaret, Helvetia, Twin Rocks, and Yatesboro Lots.