Yeşilhisar, Hocalar

Yeşilhisar' is a village in the District of Hocalar, Afyonkarahisar Province, Turkey.
The post code for the village is 03580


The town is located at the western end of the Karahisar Plain and has a continental climate, hot and dry summers, cold and snowy winters. Rainfall is generally sparse.
The economy is mainly agriculture accounting for about 60% to 75% of the population with crops including Apples, apricots and Sugar beet and potato are the most important industrial plants.


Hittites, the Persians and Seleucids all ruled Yeşilhisar in turn. in 317BC it was incorporated into the Roman Empire.
The Seljuks took the town around 1114AD.
Some researchers believe that ancient city of Diokleia in Phrygia was located near modern Yeşilhisar, while others assume that it was located near modern Doğlat.