Yellow Discipline
Yellow Discipline is the first full-length comedy album from comedian Jim Norton.Track listing
- "Vinny's awful intro"
- "New Joisey"
- "Fargo & a droopy lip"
- "kill yourself in Seattle"
- "Bed, Bath & Beyond"
- "Boca Raton and shaky people"
- "Michael J Fox is an alcoholic"
- "Aspen sure is expensive"
- "Sex & racism"
- "Michael Jackson is the Artist of the Millennium"
- "a Britney log"
- "Liz Taylor's hairy hat"
- "good ole' Martha"
- "wacky bumper stickers"
- "the elephant on Southwest"
- "making a gal laugh"
- "adorable observations about the mentally challenged"
- "actors and my awful head"
- "a single, impotent, meaty breasted failure"
- "profiling and the shoe bombing monkey"
- "I wish I were gay"
- "sensitive nipples"
- "loving a chubby dumper"
- "meaty lips"
- "squeamish girls stink"
- "pornography"
- "oral treats"
- "Vinny's awful outro"
- "Jim Norton talking doll"
- "Jim Norton's motivational tapes"