Yelniki, Republic of Mordovia

Yelniki is a village located in the Republic of Mordovia, Russia. It is the administrative center the Yelnikovskiy district.


Yelniki is located close to the river Malaya Varma, in 32 km from the city of Krasnoslobodsk, 132 km from the city of Saransk and 84 km from the railroad junction.


In the notes of F. Obreskov it is written that Yelniki was founded in the end of XVI century. The name of the village has its origin from the word “yelniki” which means spruce forest. Before at this place was a spruce forest close to the village. Currently there is no any forest, just grassland landscape.


This village is a road junction of local significance. The roads to Krasnoslobodsk, Temnikov and Pervomaisk are located here.