Yerucham Olshin

Yerucham Olshin is an Orthodox rabbi and one of the four roshei yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha, an Orthodox yeshiva located in Lakewood, New Jersey. The other rosh yeshivas are Rabbis Malkiel Kotler, Yisroel Neuman, and Dovid Schustal; they divide up the times they present shiurim to students in the numerous battei medrash on the Lakewood campus.
Rabbi Olshins' works dealing with the Jewish holidays have been published under the title Yareach L'Moadim.
Rabbi Olshin was a student of Rabbi Eliyahu Moshe Shisgal, Rabbi Abba Berman, and Rabbi Shneur Kotler.
Rabbi Olshin is married to Shalva, the daughter of Rav Dov Schwartzman, who is a granddaughter of the founder of the yeshiva, Rabbi Aharon Kotler.