All of the yeshiva's full-time staff, and the majority of its part-time staff, live within walking distance of the yeshiva. The Rebbeim often daven Shacharit at the yeshiva, as well as join the yeshiva minyan for Shabbat and Yom Tov. The close proximity between the yeshiva and the homes of the Rebbeim helps forge a warm, family atmosphere. Rebbeim spend more time in the yeshiva and talmidim have the opportunity to interact with the Rebbeim at their own homes and with their families.
About 40% of the day is dedicated to Gemara. Learning levels range from basic to intermediate-advanced. Emphasis is placed on building textual and conceptual skills in both Gemara and other essential realms such as Tanakh, Halacha and Jewish Philosophy.
Assessment and Grading
Achievements are not measured by formal tests or grades, rather by personal growth. However, optional tests for self-evaluation are encouraged.
Joint Program
Lev HaTorah is a member of Yeshiva University's S. Daniel AbrahamIsrael program.
The first-year student body is divided into five different shiurim, based on level of proficiency. Each shiur has its own "Ram". Morning seder is a mix of time devoted to both studying b'chevruta and shiurim, running from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm, after which most students have a small shiur on the topic of tefilla, delivered by one of the rabbis. In the top-level shiur, seder runs up until 1:00 pm.
Afternoon Seder
Afternoon seder is a mix of classes in many topics including Halacha, Tanakh, and Machshava, with an hour of free seder time in the middle. On Thursdays, afternoon seder time is used for a Torat Chaim seminar, where students have the opportunity to learn and see about a plethora of different topics and events including the validity of techelet, the life and philosophy of The Rav, and kosher wine-making.
Night Seder
Like morning seder, night seder is broken up into the same five shiurim as the morning, with most shiurim focussing on b'iyun learning. On Thursdays night, seder runs late, with school-wide sichot given by Rav Benjy Kwalwasser. At 11:30, the sichot are followed by the Prime Time Parsha, at which students hear divrei torah and eat cholent made by their classmates.