
Yondr is an American company founded by Graham Dugoni in 2014. It makes mobile phone pouches which close with a proprietary lock, similar to those of a security tag, and a magnetic device for unlocking them.
The Yondr products allows those hosting events in private venues to prevent attendees people from using their mobile phone or similar device while inside. People intending to enter such a space are first required to lock their device inside a Yondr pouch, taking the pouch with their device in with them. They cannot use their device until they leave, at least for example into a lobby or a dedicated area, where they tap the pouch against a Yondr unlocking point. This is intended to deter a variety of potential activities such as unofficial or unlicensed audio and video recording, photography, or the distractions of using a mobile device. It has been used at events and venues such as music concerts, courts, schools and nightclubs.
Yondr leases its products, such as to schools on a per-student annual basis.
In 2019, Yondr hosted a phone-free music and camping festival in New York.