Yongming poetry

Yongming poetry refers to a poetic flowering during the brief existence of the fifth century China Chinese state of Southern Qi. Yongming was an era name of Emperor Wu of Southern Qi. The Yongming period was from 483-493. However brief this era, it is now associated with a major movement within Classical Chinese poetry.


Despite the disturbances and instability which preceded and followed the Yongming era, there was also something special about it. In his Zizhi Tongjian, Song Dynasty historian Sima Guang characterized the Emperor Wu and his Yongming era, saying that:
This was also an era that came to be associated with significant poetic achievements.


The life and poetry of Su Xiaoxiao was a source of inspiration for later poets and artists including Tang dynasty poets Bai Juyi, Li He, Wen Tingyun, and the Ming dynasty writer and poet Zhang Dai.