Yosemite (film)

Yosemite is a 2015 American independent drama film written and directed by Gabrielle Demeestere and starring James Franco, Henry Hopper, Steven Wiig, Barry Del Sherman, and Alec Mansky.


It's the fall of 1985. The intertwining tales of three 5th grade friends, Chris, Joe and Ted, unfold in the suburban paradise of Palo Alto, as the threat of a mountain lion looms over the community.



Yosemite was adapted and expanded from "Yosemite" and "Peter Parker", two short stories written by James Franco. James Franco then used his Rabbit Bandini company to produce the film.
The film was shot in various locations in Yosemite National Park. The director had chosen the locations, but many of them ended up being a lot of the places that Franco and his father had visited when he was a child.



Yosemite was selected to screen at the following film festivals: