Youenn Gwernig

Youenn Gwernig was a Breton-American poet, writer and singer. He was a painter, sculptor and a TV presenter on the French channel France 3.
He was born in 1925 in the town of Scaër. He moved to the United States in the late 1950s and became an American citizen. He returned to Brittany in the late 60s. Influenced by traditional Breton culture, American pop culture and the Beat Generation he knew through his friendship with Jack Kerouac, he wrote poetry and songs in Breton and English.


He was born in 1925, into a traditional Breton family, in Scaër. He first worked as a wood sculptor. In the early 1950s he met the Breton poet and singer Glenmor, with whom he set a music band called Breizh a gan which was the first cultural Breton band after World War II. This band set an operetta called Genovefa.
He went to the US in 1957 because of the poverty in Brittany as he explained in his song Tap da sac'h 'ta. From 1961, he regularly visited the West Side neighbourhood of New York City and met the Beat Generation writers there. He became a friend of Jack Kerouac and lived in the Bronx, where he wrote some bilingual poems in Breton and in English about New York or his nostalgy of Brittany in an American big city, as Un dornad plu or War ribl ar stêr Harlem. In 1968, he wrote a poems' collection called New York City blues in which there are poems about some places in New York and the way he saw them as 125vet straed, Uptown-Downtown or El barrio. In the 1997's Al Liamm edition of Un dornad plu, Youenn Gwernig explained why he used to write his poems in Breton and to translate them in English :
"Meeting with Jack Kerouac in 1965, for instance, was a decisive turn. Since he could not speak Breton he asked me : "Would you not write some of your poems in English, I'd really like to read them !..." So I wrote an Diri Dir - Stairs of Steel for him, and kept on doing so. That's why I often write my poems in Breton, French and English."
He used to send his poems to the Breton library Al Liamm.
He returned to Brittany in 1969 with his wife and his daughters. He released his first disc in 1971. He released the album Distro ar Gelted in 1974. He became famous with his song E-kreiz an noz
He wrote a novel in French in 1982, La grande tribu, where he described his life in the USA. His poetry was issued in 1972 and in 1976.
In the 1970s, he created the Radio télé Brezhoneg association which aimed to stand up for the Breton language on TV. He also hosted Breton emissions in the 1990s, with the singer Nolwen Korbell for instance.
In 1990 his album Emañ ar bed va iliz was released. In 2002, a second novel, Appelez-moi ange, was issued. He died in 2006.
