Young Communist League of Sweden (1977)

Young Communist League of Sweden was a political youth organization in Sweden.
When Arbetarpartiet Kommunisterna broke out of VPK in 1977, they founded a youth league with the name SKU. The Flamman-group in KU had been expelled during 1975-1976. Later a large section of the Gävleborg district of KU affiliated itself to SKU.
SKU published a magazine called Gryningen.
In the late 1980s SKU started to become associated with an oppositional stream within APK. In 1990 SKU broke relations the APK. Thereafter it had a short-lived period as an independent youth organization. On May Day 1990 in Stockholm SKU marched together with KU and Ungsocialisterna under the banner of "Youth against Capitalism and Stalinism".