Young Greens of Aotearoa New Zealand

The Young Greens of Aotearoa New Zealand is the youth wing of the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand, and a member of the Global Young Greens. The Young Greens represent Green Party members 35 years of age and under. The Young Greens were founded by MP and then Young Green Gareth Hughes in 2006.



The Young Greens have been involved in several different political campaigns, particularly around issues that affect youth. These include Keep It 18, which opposed raising the drinking age from 18 to 21; and petitioning parliament to ban conversion therapy, in a joint effort with fellow youth wing Young Labour.

Summer Camp

Each summer, a camp is traditionally held at Jeanette Fitzsimons' farm in the Coromandel Peninsula.



The Young Greens have a national executive, consisting of two co-convenors, a secretary, a membership secretary, a treasurer, Pou Tikanga, two social media coordinators, a Global Young Greens representatives, an equity officer, and a campus co-ordinator.

Campus Groups

The Young Greens have a presence at New Zealand's largest universities. As of 2018, there are Young Green campus groups at 7 universities.

Office Holders

Current Members of Parliament