
Yubbe is a town in the northern Sanaag region of Somaliland. It's located 50 KM away from the regional capital Erigavo.


A desert town mostly inhabited by nomads, Yubbe is home to numerous old archaeological structures. While visiting the locality in the 19th century, the British explorer John Hanning Speke described having seen various tumuli. Of these, he reported that one contained "a hollow compartment propped up by beams of timber, at the bottom of which, buried in the ground, were several earthenware pots, some leaden coins, a ring of gold such as the Indian Mussulman women wear in their noses, and various other miscellaneous property."


There is no census population in this town, however it is inhabited by Somali group, with Habar Yoonis sub-division of Isaaq clan and of the Warsangali clan sub-division of Darod. It is considered a clan border between these two tribes respectively.