
Yuddho is a Bengali language action drama film released in 2005 and dubbed in Odia. Directed by Rabi Kinagi, the movie featured Mithun Chakraborty, Debashree Roy, Jeet and Koel Mallick.


The story revolves around police officer Agnishwar Ray, who keeps getting transferred due to his aggressive nature towards criminals. He ends up at Uttarpara police station where young boy Surja Sinha is the local strongman. Ranjit Saha, the younger brother of the local MLA named Joy Chand Saha, abducts a girl when the girl was returning from a college function, and violently rapes her in his car, leaving her to die. Agnishwar arrests Ranjit. To take revenge, the MLA gets Agnishwar put in prison and his wife Sandhya murdered. There starts Agnishwar's revenge where he slowly kills all the persons responsible for putting him behind bars and killing his wife, ending with the death of the MLA and himself at the hands of Surja, who has by now become a police officer.
