Yuen Yuen Institute

The Yuen Yuen Institute is a Taoist temple in Tsuen Wan District, Hong Kong.


The Institute is located on hectares of land around Sam Dip Tam, Tsuen Wan District in the New Territories. The area is interspersed with temples, pavilions, and monasteries.


The Yuen Yuen Institute was established in Hong Kong in 1950 by monks from Sanyuan Gong in Guangzhou, which in turn traces its lineage to the Longmen sect of Quanzhen Taoism.
The Yuen Yuen Institute is the only temple in Hong Kong dedicated to all three major Chinese religions: Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. The first three Chinese characters of the Institute's name denote the essence of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism respectively, so as to advocate the integration and realization of the three religions' teachings.
The main building at the Institute is a replica of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. In 1968, Moy Lin-shin co-founded the temple for the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism on the grounds of the Yuen Yuen Institute.


The Institute's purpose is: