Yukon Men's Curling Championship

The Yukon Men's Curling Championship is the men's territorial championship for men's curling in the Yukon. Beginning in 2015, the event serves as a direct qualifier to the Tim Hortons Brier, Canada's national men's curling championships. Prior to 2015, the event served as a qualifier for the Yukon/NWT Men's Curling Championship.

Winners (2015-present)

Winners (up to 2015)

The following teams won the Yukon playdowns for the Territorial men's curling championship. These teams were known as "Yukon #1" at the Territories championships. The runner up team also qualified for the territorial championship and was known as "Yukon #2".
EventWinning Team
2014Pat Paslawski, Doug Hamilton, Alexander Peech, Trent Derkatch
2013No event: no teams entered
2012George Hilderman, Gord Zealand, Pat Molloy, Bob Walker
2011Jon Solberg, Doug Gee, Clint Ireland, Darol Stuart
2010Chad Cowan, James Buyck, Wade Scoffin, Clint Ireland
2009Chad Cowan, James Buyck, Wade Scoffin, Clint Ireland
2008Jon Solberg, Clint Abel, Doug Gee, Gordon Puddister
2007Wade Scoffin, James Buyck, Ray Mikkelsen, Clint Ireland
2006Chad Cowan, Wade Scoffin, James Buyck, Ross Milward
2005Chad Cowan, Wade Scoffin, James Buyck, Ross Milward
2004Chad Cowan, Wade Scoffin, James Buyck, Ross Milward
2003Chad Cowan, Doug Bryant, James Buyck, Ross Milward
2002Jon Solberg, Wade Scoffin, Ray Mikkelsen, Darol Stuart