Yung Suk Kim

Yung Suk Kim is a Korean-American biblical scholar and author. Kim is Associate Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology, Virginia Union University in Richmond. He studied in Korean and American schools. Kim holds the following degrees: a PhD degree in the area of New Testament studies from Vanderbilt University, an M.Div from McCormick Theological Seminary, and a B.A from Kyungpook National University. Kim is editor of a new online peer-reviewed journal, Journal of Bible and Human Transformation in which intersections of the Bible and human transformation are explored.


Kim grew up in a farming village in Kyungsan, Kyungbuk of South Korea. He finished elementary school, middle school and high school in his hometown. Kim majored at economics at Kyungpook National University. Kim had a mandatory military service as a member of the KATUSA at a U.S military base in Korea. After graduation from college, Kim worked at the LG Electronics headquarter and in foreign branches such as in Panama and Miami, FL. He went to Chicago to attend for an M.Div degree. Kim focused on Paul's letters in his doctoral work and defended his dissertation titled Soma Christou in I Corinthians : deconstruction in 2006. Since then, he has focus on various subjects in the New Testament study, including the historical Jesus, New Testament theology, and biblical interpretation theory. Transformation or human transformation in particular is one important theme that he has explored in his study of the New Testament.



Edited books