Yuri Pines

Yuri Pines is an Israeli sinologist and a Professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Pines was born in Kiev, Ukraine and immigrated to Israel as a child in 1979. He studied under Lothar von Falkenhausen at UCLA and under Liu Zehua at Nankai University, in Tianjin, earning the PhD at Hebrew University in 1998.
Pines attributes the endurance of the unified Chinese state, in both the imperial and contemporary periods, "to the fact that philosophers of the Warring States period, whatever their other differences, agreed on the principle of unification under a powerful ruler, and this principle became the basis of Chinese political thought."


יורי פינס וגדעון שלח עם יצחק שיחור כרך א של סדרה כל אשר מתחת לשמיים: סין הקיסרית). רעננה: האוניברסיטה הפתוחה, 2011.