Yushui District

Yushui is the only district of and one of two divisions of the prefecture-level city of Xinyu, Jiangxi province, China, the other being Fenyi County. It has a land area of, and a population of 839,500 as of 2010. The Zip code is 338025.
Yushui has direct jurisdiction over 10 streets, 10 towns, and 6 townships.
Streets: Chennan Ave, Chenbei Ave, Yuanhe Ave, Xianlai Ave, Tongzhou Ave, Kongmu Jiang Ave, Mahong Ave, Qinyang Ave, Fenghuangwan Ave, Yangtiangang Ave
Towns: Luofang, Shuibei, Xiacun,Liangshan, Yaoxu, Zhushan, Guancao, Ouli,Hexia, Shuixi
Townships: Renhe, Jieshui, Nan'an, Xinxi, Hushan, Jiulongshan