Zainab Biisheva

Zainab Biisheva, was a Bashkir poet, writer and playwright.


Zainab Biisheva was born on January 15, 1908 in the village of Tuembetovo, he became editor of the Bashkir book publishing house and the Pioneer magazine.
The first book,Partisan Boy , was published in 1942. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR since 1946. Since 1951 - a professional writer.
She died in Ufa on August 24, 1996.


The first book "The Guerilla Boy" was published in 1942.
Member of the Writers' Union since 1946. Since 1951 - a professional writer.
In 1990 he was awarded the title of "People's Writer of Bashkortostan ".
Published more than 60 of her books in the languages of the peoples of Russia and the world.
Zainab Biisheva writing in different genres. She penned several works for children and youth, including the play "Friendship" and the novel " Let's be friends ", dozens of poems and tales. It acts as a fine lyric verse in the story " Gulyamal." Poem " Last monologue Salawat " is devoted to disclosing the image of the national hero Salawat Yulayev . Dramatic works "Magic Kurai ", " The Mysterious ring ", " Gulbadar ", " The Vow ", " Zulhiza " with great success came not only on the stage of the Bashkir State Academic Theatre drama, but the theaters and far abroad.
Zainab Biisheva worked fruitfully in the genres of narrative, story and tale. The most famous are " Kanhylyu ", "A Strange Man", " Where are you, Gulnisa?", "Duma Duma", "Love and Hate".
In them, she raises philosophical problems relationship between the individual and society, creates vivid images of women bashkirok. Most significant work of Zainab Abdullovna - trilogy " The light ", which includes the novels "humiliation", " The Big Eyek ", " Yemesh " .
Bashkir language translated it "Taras Bulba" by N. Gogol, "Bezhin Meadow" by Ivan Turgenev, " Timur and His Team " A Gaidar, "My dear boy," L. Kassilya, stories Tolstoy, S.Aksakova, A. Chekhov, Gorky.

Trilogy " Toward the Light " (" Story of One Life ")

Zainab Biisheva trilogy - the result of many years of creative work and deep thoughts " about the time of life." In the novels, included in it, the author has proved a "master of the epic scope of reality " . In the center of the works - the fate of the Bashkir people in tense, turning points in history. Their action covers the years before World War I, the Civil War, the collectivization.
The main heroine of the trilogy uniting storylines is Gulyemesh, whose name translates from the Bashkir means " wild rose ". In this manner undoubtedly concluded autobiographical features, but at the same time managed to show Z. Biisheva it typical features Bashkir women, their courage, fortitude, strength of spirit, poetry. Also a great place in the novels assigned image world of childhood, the formation of character.
Many trials befell Yemesh : his mother's death, life in the house cruel stepmother, the death of his father and older sister Yanesh. But it is not bent heroine. From the first pages of the novel she shows rebelliousness blows of fate vitality. Brought up on the works of folk art, Emeshev loves nature, feels the word beauty of folk music. Becoming a student, she 's head goes in a class, it entrain lectures, social work, reading books, your own creativity. Favorite heroine lives Biisheva saturated emotional life.
In the first novel of the trilogy portrayed life Bashkir village pre-revolutionary period . In the foreground is the theme of a small, socially disadvantaged person. As the researcher R. Baimov, " an epic narrative looseness allows for broad show in the novel of life and customs, social and intimate family relationships, social traditions and new trends."
Logical continuation of the "humiliation" is the novel " The Big Eyyek " . It has the features of historical and revolutionary product. While Zainab Biisheva main stops its attention on events occurring in normal Bashkir village rather than in rows of red and white. History can be seen here through the peasant mentality and way of life.
Novel " Yemesh" dedicated youth of the protagonist. Action considerable part of the product is transferred to Orenburg. In his work reflected the tumultuous events of the 20- 30s, there is a certain idealization of the era.
Over 60 of her books have been published in the languages of the peoples of Russia and the world.
