Zambia Union of Financial Institutions and Allied Workers

Zambia Union of Financial Institutions and Allied Workers is the dominant financial trade union in Zambia.
The union was founded on 17 November 1961 as Rhodesian Society of Bank Officials. Its name was changed to Zambia Union of Bank Officials on 23 November 1970, then Zambia Union of Financial Institutions in 1978. It was given its current name in 1984.
Sector representation: banks, insurance, building societies, micro-finance, pensions, all financial related and allied institutions.
It currently has 33 member unionised institutions. Joyce Nonde-Simukoko was General Secretary of ZUFIAW from 1998 to 2013. In 2013, the General Secretary elected at the Quadrennial Conference of 2013 was Chingati Msiska, and the President is Ackim Mweemba.
The ZUFIAW is affiliated to the UNI Global Union UNI Global Union and Federation of Free Trade Unions of Zambia.