Zaregoto is a Japanese light novel series written by Nisio Isin and illustrated by Take. The series was published in Japan between February 2002 and November 2005 by Kodansha Books. It was followed by a spin-off series also published by Kodansha Books, the Ningen series, focusing on the Zerozaki clan. A second spin-off series focused on Jun Aikawa titled Saikyō series was serialized in the Mephisto magazine, and was collected by Kodansha in 4 volumes. The series was initially released in North America by Del Rey Manga, but has since been republished by Vertical. An eight-episode original video animation series adaptation by Shaft was released between October 2016 and September 2017.
The story revolves around a narrator, whose name is never mentioned, and the mysteries he encounters. After the second book, the series starts including more and more fighting and action. The narrator tends to try, in vain, to stay out of the story, but instead of being the bystander he wants to be, he always gets dragged into the center of everything. Even though it seems the narrator does a lot in the story, he always finds out at the end that whatever he accomplished was meaningless.
According to Tomo's explanation, the world is divided into four separate kinds of territories:
The "Outer" World is the normal side of the world. The holder of the highest mediocrity.
The "Economical" World is the holder of the strongest economical powers of the world. The closest to the "Outer" World.
The "Political" World is the holder of the strongest ruling powers of the world.
The "Violence" World is the holder of all unusual, heterodoxy, special powers of the world. This world is a world with no order, only lawless massacre.
The "Outer" World
"I"'s relationships
;"I" ;Jun Aikawa ;Harukana Ii
The Residents of the Antique Apartment
The apartment which "I" lives in. The real name of this place is unknown, "I" is the only one calling it The Antique Apartment. Existed before the Meiji period. Made mainly of wood, three stories, four-mat room with horrible sound insulation, bare light bulb, shared toilet, no bath; the rent is 10,000 yen per month, though. ;Miiko Asano
"I"'s Classmates
In the second book, "I" attends Rokumeikan Private University. It is located in Kinugasa, in Kita Ward of Kyoto. ;Mikoko Aoii ;Tomoe Emoto ;Muimi Atemiya ;Akiharu Usami
The Police
;Sasaki Sasa ;Kazuhito Ikaruga
The "Violence" World
Known as the "Niounomiya Circus". Ranked first in the Killing Names. A family that kills under contract. Due to their special techniques when killing, people refer to them as "The Killing Magic Organization, Niounomiya Circus". There are a total of fifty-three branch families, including the Sawarabi family and the Miotsukushi family under the Niounomiya family. The opposing family in The Cursing Names is the Tokinomiya family. ;Rizumu Niounomiya ;Izumu Niounomiya
Known as the "Zerozaki Bandits". Rank third in The Killing Names. A group of unreasonable serial killers gathered not by blood relations, but by the thirst for blood. Contains twenty to twenty-five members. The only family without an opposing family in The Cursing Names. ;Hitoshiki Zerozaki
The "Politics" World
The "Politics" world is controlled by the Kusanagi Organization, one of the fewZaibatsu that still exists in Japan. Seven organizations that hold control of the world is under Kusanagi, it consists of "Ichigai", "Nishiori", "Sanzaka", "Shikabane", "Gotoride", "Rokukase", and lastly "Hachikiri". All of their name starts with a number, with seven not included in the list. ;Tomo Kunagisa ;Nao Kunagisa ;Douji Kasumioka
The "Economical" World
The "Economical" world consists of five big Zaibatsu, "Akagami", "Iigami", "Ujigami", "Ekagami", and "Origami". Together, they are called the "Four Gods and One Mirror".
Wet Crow's Island is the property of the Akagami Plutocrats. Its purpose is to keep the exiled heiress away from the rest of the world. In Russian, it means "The End of Despair". Now, it is a place for geniuses to gather under the invitation of Iria. ;Akane Sonoyama ;Kanami Ibuki ;Shinya Sakaki ;Maki Himena ;Yayoi Sashirono
Zaregoto Series
Ningen Series
Saikyō Series
Humanity's Strongest Venice -
* Uncollected story. In the postscript of the fourth volume it says the series is complete. It's unknown if this story will be collected or not.
An anime adaptation by Shaft was announced in May 2016, which was later confirmed to be an original video animation series adaptation of the novel series' first volume in August 2016. The anime series spans 8 episodes across 8 home video release volumes, which were released between October 26, 2016 and September 27, 2017. The series is directed by Yuki Yase, and written by Yukito Kizawa and Munemasa Nakamoto, featuring character designs by Akio Watanabe and music by Yuki Kajiura. The opening theme song is "Cobalt World" by Sangatsu no Phantasia, and the ending theme song is "Märchen" by Kalafina.
Episode list
Character commentary
Character commentaries are content available on the DVD/BD release of Kubikiri Cycle. Jun Aikawa receives some characters from the whole series for a conversation about the specific episode they are in. Nisio Isin wrote each commentary of the 8 episodes.
Kubikiri Cycle The Blue Savant and the Nonsense User 1
* Jun Aikawa and Toromi Nagatoro
Kubikiri Cycle The Blue Savant and the Nonsense User 2
* Jun Aikawa and Gazelle Inpara
Kubikiri Cycle The Blue Savant and the Nonsense User 3
* Jun Aikawa and Miyori Jikumoto
Kubikiri Cycle The Blue Savant and the Nonsense User 4
* Jun Aikawa and Kōta Ishimaru
Kubikiri Cycle The Blue Savant and the Nonsense User 5
* Jun Aikawa and Sasaki Sasa
Kubikiri Cycle The Blue Savant and the Nonsense User 6
* Jun Aikawa and Toromi Nagatoro and Gazelle Inpara
Kubikiri Cycle The Blue Savant and the Nonsense User 7
* Jun Aikawa and Yayoi Sashirono
Kubikiri Cycle The Blue Savant and the Nonsense User 8
* Jun Aikawa and I
The Beheading Cycle went through a number of drafts; Tomo Kunagisa was originally intended to be the series' protagonist, but during the rewriting process, Nisio Isin realized that Ii-chan had become more important. After finally completing the novel, Nisio proceeded to write Strangulation Romanticist in three days. With Hanging High School, Nisio began consciously moving the series away from traditional mystery novel structure.
The Kubikiri Cycle, the first volume of Zaregoto series, won the 23rd Mephisto Prize in 2002. The series has been selected by Takarajimasha's Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi! three times as one of the ten best light novels of the year: in 2005 when it ranked second, in 2006 when it topped the list, and in 2007 when it placed third. The series was a bestseller, and grew in popularity as it went on. While the first volume debuted at number eight on the novel charts, the final volume debuted at number one and remained at the top for three weeks.