EuCML: Journal of European Consumer and Market Law is a law journal. The journal focuses on European and international consumer and market law including aspects from fields such as unfair commercial practices, unfair contract terms, competition law, other consumer protection issues, travel law, regulation of the digital economy and platform economy issues. Questions of law enforcement, e.g. dispute resolution, also play a role as long as connected to consumer and market law. The journal features peer-reviewed articles, a section with comment and analysis and "country reports" with perspectives on one legal or economic issue from different EU member states. It is published every other month by the Association of European Consumer Law by publishing houses C.H. Beck, Wolters Kluwer and Nomos, and it is available in print as well as in the databases of Beck Online and Kluwer Law International.
The editors are law professors from different European institutions. In 2019, the editors are Christoph Busch, Alberto De Franceschi, Mateja Durovic, Joasia Luzak, Vanessa Mak, Jorge Morais Carvalho, Kristin Nemeth, Rupprecht Podszun and Christine Riefa. The journal has an advisory board with renowned experts from the field. Consumer law experts from all over Europe regularly contribute to the journal, and contributions are quoted in parliamentary and other documents.
Founded in 2011, the first issue of the journal was released in January 2012, then in a bilingual way in German and English under the abbreviation of euvr by Verlag Oesterreich. It was acquired by Springer in 2014 and relaunched in 2015 by the current publishers under the name of EuCML.