Zeno (periodical)

Zeno is the single German-language periodical devoted specifically to work at the intersection of philosophy and literature, featuring essays, reviews, stories and poems. Since 1980, it has been published annually by Rhine-Ruhr University Press.


The periodical's name refers to the ancient philosophers Zeno of Elea, the presocratic, and Zeno of Kition, the Stoic.


Zeno is edited by Gerd Brudermüller, Jakob Ossner, Michael Rumpf und Joachim Vahland. Until his death in 2011, Wolfgang Marx, professor of philosophy at the University of Bonn, served as co-editor.

Topic foci

Recent issues of Zeno were devoted to the following topics:
Among authors who have published in Zeno are Andreas Dorschel, Wilhelm Genazino, Panagiotis Kondylis, Helmut Krausser, Brigitte Kronauer, Günter Kunert, Reiner Kunze and Gabriele Wohmann. The periodical has also re-published texts by, i.a., Henri-Frédéric Amiel, Gustav Theodor Fechner, Walter Savage Landor, Paul Léautaud, Antonio Machado, Heinrich Rickert, Marcel Schwob, Walter Serner and Georg Simmel.