Ziadie family
The Ziadie family is a family resident in Jamaica, where they were prominent merchants. A branch of the family now resident in the United States has become successful horse trainers. They are the descendants of half a dozen Greek Orthodox brothers who emigrated from Lebanon.
Lady Colin Campbell, previously Georgia Ziadie, is descended from this family through her father, department store owner Michael George Ziadie. She claims that the Ziadies went from being "revered to reviled to now treasured as exotic national fruit" and are a wealthy family in Jamaica. The opera director Sir Peter Jonas was her cousin.
The family's pre-eminent social position as claimed by Lady Colin Campbell is not borne out by reference works; certainly this notional status had waned by 1969, with only one member, Edward George Ziadie, a dry goods merchant, appearing in that year's Who's Who in Jamaica, detailing the "Careers of Principal Public Men and Women of Jamaica", alongside an advertisement for a real estate company, "Victor Ziadie Realty".