Zig Zag (manga)
Zig Zag is a Japanese shōjo manga written and illustrated by Yuki Nakaji.
The series revolves around the lives of a group of students living in Kazami Dormitory of Seifu Private School in Japan. It mainly focuses on a boy named Takaaki Asakura and his affection for flowers.
The series was serialized in LaLa and the collected volumes are published under the Hana to Yume Comics imprint. The series is also published in English by Chuang Yi in Singapore and by Tokyopop in North America.Characters
- Takaaki Asakura aka "Taiyou"
- Sono Kirihara aka "Black Kirihara"
- Tatsuki Suwa
- Jin Kanbara aka Jin-Jin
- Yuki Kirihara aka "White Kirihara"
- Hinata Suwa
- Mei Odagiri
- Saho Kenbuchi