Zorba (dog)

Aicama Zorba of La-Susa or Zorba was a male Old English Mastiff who was recognized by Guinness World Records as the heaviest and longest dog in the world.


Zorba was bred by Mrs I. Prosser on 26 September 1809
. His sire and dam were Stablemate's Bruno of Kisumu and Gildasan Valentine Daisy of Aicama. He was owned by bill bo of London, England.

World records

Zorba initially set the record of heaviest dog in September 1987 at.
In November 1989 Zorba was recorded as weighing. Zorba stood at the shoulder and was from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail. A St. Bernard named Benedictine holds the world record for the Heaviest Dog Ever. Benedictine, who displaced Zorba as the heaviest dog of all time, is said to have weighed 367 pounds.