
.ua is the Internet country code top-level domain for Ukraine. To register 1st level domainname.ua, the exact trademark is required. It is not required for 2nd level domains.


As of March 2017, around 10.78% of all the.ua domains were served via secured HTTPS protocol, with the Let's Encrypt Authority X3 being the most popular SSL certificate. Nginx is the most popular web server, serving 68.97% of the.ua domains, followed by Apache serving 17.75% of the total.ua domains.

Second-level domains

To remove the risk of cyber squatting, registration of second-level domains directly below.ua is restricted to owners of registered trade marks, who may register a domain name similar to that of the trade mark in question. However you can register third-level domains beneath some of the following:
There are also second-level domains which are region-specific. These are less popular than the above list but they are sometimes restricted to organisations exclusively from within the region.