104th United States Congress
The 104th United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C. from January 3, 1995, to January 3, 1997, during the third and fourth years of Bill Clinton's presidency. Apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the 1990 United States census. Both chambers had Republican majorities for the first time since the 1950s. Major events included passage of elements of the Contract with America and a budget impasse between Congress and the Clinton Administration that resulted in the Federal government shutdown of 1995 and 1996.
Major events
- January 3, 1995: Republicans gained control of both houses for the first time since 1954.
- January 31, 1995: President Clinton invoked emergency powers to extend a $20 billion loan to help Mexico avert financial collapse.
- April 19, 1995: Oklahoma City bombing
- August 30, 1995: NATO began Operation Deliberate Force against Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- November 14–19, 1995: U.S. government shutdown
- December 16, 1995 – January 6, 1996: U.S. government shutdown
- November 5, 1996: Re-election of President Bill Clinton; Democrats gained 8 seats in House; Republicans gained 2 seats in Senate.
Major legislation
- January 23, 1995: Congressional Accountability Act of 1995,
- April 10, 1995: Mexican Debt Disclosure Act of 1995,,
- November 28, 1995: National Highway System Designation Act of 1995,,
- December 19, 1995: Lobbying Disclosure Act,,,
- December 22, 1995: Private Securities Litigation Reform Act,,
- February 8, 1996: Telecommunications Act of 1996,,,
- March 12, 1996: Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996,,,
- April 9, 1996: Line Item Veto Act,,
- April 24, 1996: Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act,,
- July 30, 1996: Taxpayer Bill of Rights 2,,
- August 3, 1996: National Gambling Impact Study Commission Act,,
- August 3, 1996: Food Quality Protection Act of 1996,,,
- August 20, 1996: Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996,,
- August 21, 1996: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act,,
- August 22, 1996: Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act,,
- September 21, 1996: Defense of Marriage Act,,
- September 30, 1996: Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban,,
- September 30, 1996: Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996,,
- October 1, 1996: Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act,,
- October 12, 1996: Water Resources Development Act of 1996,,
Party summary
House of Representatives
- President: Al Gore
- President pro tempore: Strom Thurmond
Majority (Republican) leadership
- Majority Leader:
- * Bob Dole, until June 11, 1996
- * Trent Lott, starting June 12, 1996
- Majority Whip:
- * Trent Lott, until June 11, 1996
- * Don Nickles, starting June 12, 1996
- Republican Conference Chairman: Thad Cochran
- Republican Conference Secretary: Connie Mack III
- Republican Campaign Committee Chair: Al D'Amato
- Republican Policy Committee Chairman:
- * Don Nickles, until June 12, 1996
- * Larry Craig, starting June 12, 1996
Minority (Democratic) leadership
- Minority Leader: Tom Daschle
- Minority Whip: Wendell Ford
- Policy Committee Co-Chairs: Tom Daschle and Harry Reid
- Democratic Conference Secretary: Barbara Mikulski
- Democratic Campaign Committee Chairman: Bob Kerrey
- Chief Deputy Whip: John Breaux
House of Representatives
- Speaker: Newt Gingrich
Majority (Republican) leadership
- Majority Leader: Dick Armey
- Majority Whip: Tom DeLay
- Chief Deputy Whip: Dennis Hastert
- Republican Conference Chairman: John Boehner
- Republican Conference Vice-Chairwoman: Susan Molinari
- Republican Conference Secretary: Barbara Vucanovich
- Policy Committee Chairman: Christopher Cox
- Republican Campaign Committee Chairman: Bill Paxon
Minority (Democratic) leadership
- Minority Leader: Dick Gephardt
- Minority Whip: David Bonior
- Chief Deputy Minority Whips: Rosa DeLauro, John Lewis, & Bill Richardson
- Democratic Caucus Chairman: Vic Fazio
- Democratic Caucus Vice-Chairman: Barbara B. Kennelly
- Democratic Campaign Committee Chairman: Martin Frost
- Armenian Caucus
- Biomedical Research Caucus
- Blue Dog Coalition
- Congressional Arts Caucus
- Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus
- Congressional Automotive Caucus
- Congressional Bike Caucus
- Congressional Black Caucus
- Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans
- Congressional Caucus on Korea
- Congressional Fire Services Caucus
- Congressional Friends of Ireland Caucus
- Congressional Hispanic Caucus
- Congressional Motorsports Caucus
- Congressional Pediatric & Adult Hydrocephalus Caucus
- Congressional Progressive Caucus
- Congressional Portuguese-American Caucus
- Congressional Travel & Tourism Caucus
- Congressional Western Caucus
- Congresswomen's Caucus
- Hong Kong Caucus
- House Democratic Caucus
- Law Enforcement Caucus
- Northern Border Caucus
- Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus
- Senate Democratic Caucus
In this Congress, Class 2 meant their term ended with this Congress, requiring re-election in 1996; Class 3 meant their term began in the last Congress, requiring re-election in 1998; and Class 1 meant their term began in this Congress, requiring re-election in 2000.[List of [United States Senators from Alabama|Alabama]]
- 2. Howell Heflin
- 3. Richard Shelby
Alaska">List of United States Senators from Alaska">Alaska
- 2. Ted Stevens
- 3. Frank Murkowski
Arizona">List of United States Senators from Arizona">Arizona
- 1. Jon Kyl
- 3. John McCain
Arkansas">List of United States Senators from Arkansas">Arkansas
- 2. David Pryor
- 3. Dale Bumpers
California">List of United States Senators from California">California
- 1. Dianne Feinstein
- 3. Barbara Boxer
Colorado">List of United States Senators from Colorado">Colorado
- 2. Hank Brown
- 3. Ben Nighthorse Campbell
Connecticut">List of United States Senators from Connecticut">Connecticut
- 1. Joe Lieberman
- 3. Chris Dodd
Delaware">List of United States Senators from Delaware">Delaware
- 1. William Roth
- 2. Joe Biden
Florida">List of United States Senators from Florida">Florida
- 1. Connie Mack III
- 3. Bob Graham
Georgia">List of United States Senators from Georgia">Georgia
- 2. Sam Nunn
- 3. Paul Coverdell
Hawaii">List of United States Senators from Hawaii">Hawaii
- 1. Daniel Akaka
- 3. Daniel Inouye
Idaho">List of United States Senators from Idaho">Idaho
- 2. Larry Craig
- 3. Dirk Kempthorne
Illinois">List of United States Senators from Illinois">Illinois
- 2. Paul Simon
- 3. Carol Moseley-Braun
Indiana">List of United States Senators from Indiana">Indiana
- 1. Dick Lugar
- 3. Dan Coats
Iowa">List of United States Senators from Iowa">Iowa
- 2. Tom Harkin
- 3. Chuck Grassley
Kansas">List of United States Senators from Kansas">Kansas
- 2. Nancy Kassebaum
- 3. Bob Dole, until June 11, 1996
- * Sheila Frahm, June 11, 1996 – November 6, 1996
- * Sam Brownback, from November 6, 1996
Kentucky">List of United States Senators from Kentucky">Kentucky
- 2. Mitch McConnell
- 3. Wendell Ford
Louisiana">List of United States Senators from Louisiana">Louisiana
- 2. J. Bennett Johnston
- 3. John Breaux
Maine">List of United States Senators from Maine">Maine
- 1. Olympia Snowe
- 2. William Cohen
Maryland">List of United States Senators from Maryland">Maryland
- 1. Paul Sarbanes
- 3. Barbara Mikulski
Massachusetts">List of United States Senators from Massachusetts">Massachusetts
- 1. Ted Kennedy
- 2. John Kerry
Michigan">List of United States Senators from Michigan">Michigan
- 1. Spencer Abraham
- 2. Carl Levin
Minnesota">List of United States Senators from Minnesota">Minnesota
- 1. Rod Grams
- 2. Paul Wellstone
Mississippi">List of United States Senators from Mississippi">Mississippi
- 1. Trent Lott
- 2. Thad Cochran
Missouri">List of United States Senators from Missouri">Missouri
- 1. John Ashcroft
- 3. Kit Bond
Montana">List of United States Senators from Montana">Montana
- 1. Conrad Burns
- 2. Max Baucus
Nebraska">List of United States Senators from Nebraska">Nebraska
- 1. Bob Kerrey
- 2. J. James Exon
Nevada">List of United States Senators from Nevada">Nevada
- 1. Richard Bryan
- 3. Harry Reid
New Hampshire">List of United States Senators from New Hampshire">New Hampshire
- 2. Bob Smith
- 3. Judd Gregg
New Jersey">List of United States Senators from New Jersey">New Jersey
- 1. Frank Lautenberg
- 2. Bill Bradley
New Mexico">List of United States Senators from New Mexico">New Mexico
- 1. Jeff Bingaman
- 2. Pete Domenici
New York">List of United States Senators from New York">New York
- 1. Daniel Patrick Moynihan
- 3. Al D'Amato
North Carolina">List of United States Senators from North Carolina">North Carolina
- 2. Jesse Helms
- 3. Lauch Faircloth
North Dakota">List of United States Senators from North Dakota">North Dakota
- 1. Kent Conrad
- 3. Byron Dorgan
Ohio">List of United States Senators from Ohio">Ohio
- 1. Mike DeWine
- 3. John Glenn
Oklahoma">List of United States Senators from Oklahoma">Oklahoma
- 2. Jim Inhofe
- 3. Don Nickles
Oregon">List of United States Senators from Oregon">Oregon
- 2. Mark Hatfield
- 3. Bob Packwood, until October 1, 1995
- * Ron Wyden, from February 6, 1996
Pennsylvania">List of United States Senators from Pennsylvania">Pennsylvania
- 1. Rick Santorum
- 3. Arlen Specter
Rhode Island">List of United States Senators from Rhode Island">Rhode Island
- 1. John Chafee
- 2. Claiborne Pell
South Carolina">List of United States Senators from South Carolina">South Carolina
- 2. Strom Thurmond
- 3. Fritz Hollings
South Dakota">List of United States Senators from South Dakota">South Dakota
- 2. Larry Pressler
- 3. Tom Daschle
Tennessee">List of United States Senators from Tennessee">Tennessee
- 1. Bill Frist
- 2. Fred Thompson
Texas">List of United States Senators from Texas">Texas
- 1. Kay Bailey Hutchison
- 2. Phil Gramm
Utah">List of United States Senators from Utah">Utah
- 1. Orrin Hatch
- 3. Bob Bennett
Vermont">List of United States Senators from Vermont">Vermont
- 1. Jim Jeffords
- 3. Patrick Leahy
Virginia">List of United States Senators from Virginia">Virginia
- 1. Chuck Robb
- 2. John Warner
Washington">List of United States Senators from Washington">Washington
- 1. Slade Gorton
- 3. Patty Murray
West Virginia">List of United States Senators from West Virginia">West Virginia
- 1. Robert Byrd
- 2. Jay Rockefeller
Wisconsin">List of United States Senators from Wisconsin">Wisconsin
- 1. Herb Kohl
- 3. Russ Feingold
Wyoming">List of United States Senators from Wyoming">Wyoming
- 1. Craig L. Thomas
- 2. Alan Simpson
House of Representatives
[List of [United States Representatives from Alabama|Alabama]]
- . Sonny Callahan
- . Terry Everett
- . Glen Browder
- . Tom Bevill
- . Robert E. Cramer
- . Spencer Bachus
- . Earl Hilliard
Alaska">List of United States Representatives from Alaska">Alaska
- . Don Young
Arizona">List of United States Representatives from Arizona">Arizona
- . Matt Salmon
- . Ed Pastor
- . Bob Stump
- . John Shadegg
- . Jim Kolbe
- . J. D. Hayworth
Arkansas">List of United States Representatives from Arkansas">Arkansas
- . Blanche Lincoln
- . Ray Thornton, until January 1, 1997
- . Tim Hutchinson, until January 2, 1997
- . Jay Dickey
California">List of United States Representatives from California">California
- . Frank Riggs
- . Wally Herger
- . Vic Fazio
- . John Doolittle
- . Bob Matsui
- . Lynn Woolsey
- . George Miller
- . Nancy Pelosi
- . Ron Dellums
- . William P. Baker
- . Richard Pombo
- . Tom Lantos
- . Pete Stark
- . Anna Eshoo
- . Norman Mineta, until October 10, 1995
- * Tom Campbell, from December 12, 1995
- . Zoe Lofgren
- . Sam Farr
- . Gary Condit
- . George Radanovich
- . Cal Dooley
- . Bill Thomas
- . Andrea Seastrand
- . Elton Gallegly
- . Anthony Beilenson
- . Buck McKeon
- . Howard Berman
- . Carlos Moorhead
- . David Dreier
- . Henry Waxman
- . Xavier Becerra
- . Matthew G. Martínez
- . Julian Dixon
- . Lucille Roybal-Allard
- . Esteban Edward Torres
- . Maxine Waters
- . Jane Harman
- . Walter R. Tucker III, until December 15, 1995
- * Juanita Millender-McDonald, from March 26, 1996
- . Steve Horn
- . Ed Royce
- . Jerry Lewis
- . Jay Kim
- . George Brown Jr.
- . Ken Calvert
- . Sonny Bono
- . Dana Rohrabacher
- . Bob Dornan
- . Christopher Cox
- . Ron Packard
- . Brian Bilbray
- . Bob Filner
- . Duke Cunningham
- . Duncan L. Hunter
Colorado">List of United States Representatives from Colorado">Colorado
- . Pat Schroeder
- . David Skaggs
- . Scott McInnis
- . Wayne Allard
- . Joel Hefley
- . Dan Schaefer
Connecticut">List of United States Representatives from Connecticut">Connecticut
- . Barbara B. Kennelly
- . Sam Gejdenson
- . Rosa DeLauro
- . Chris Shays
- . Gary A. Franks
- . Nancy Johnson
Delaware">List of United States Representatives from Delaware">Delaware
- . Mike Castle
Florida">List of United States Representatives from Florida">Florida
- . Joe Scarborough
- . Pete Peterson
- . Corrine Brown
- . Tillie Fowler
- . Karen Thurman
- . Cliff Stearns
- . John Mica
- . Bill McCollum
- . Michael Bilirakis
- . Bill Young
- . Sam Gibbons
- . Charles T. Canady
- . Dan Miller
- . Porter Goss
- . Dave Weldon
- . Mark Foley
- . Carrie Meek
- . Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
- . Harry Johnston
- . Peter Deutsch
- . Lincoln Diaz-Balart
- . Clay Shaw
- . Alcee Hastings
Georgia">List of United States Representatives from Georgia">Georgia
- . Jack Kingston
- . Sanford Bishop
- . Mac Collins
- . John Linder
- . John Lewis
- . Newt Gingrich
- . Bob Barr
- . Saxby Chambliss
- . Nathan Deal until April 1995; thereafter
- . Charlie Norwood
- . Cynthia McKinney
Hawaii">List of United States Representatives from Hawaii">Hawaii
- . Neil Abercrombie
- . Patsy Mink
Idaho">List of United States Representatives from Idaho">Idaho
- . Helen Chenoweth
- . Mike Crapo
Illinois">List of United States Representatives from Illinois">Illinois
- . Bobby Rush
- . Mel Reynolds, until October 1, 1995
- * Jesse Jackson Jr., from December 12, 1995
- . Bill Lipinski
- . Luis Gutiérrez
- . Michael Patrick Flanagan
- . Henry Hyde
- . Cardiss Collins
- . Phil Crane
- . Sidney R. Yates
- . John Porter
- . Jerry Weller
- . Jerry Costello
- . Harris W. Fawell
- . Dennis Hastert
- . Thomas W. Ewing
- . Don Manzullo
- . Lane Evans
- . Ray LaHood
- . Glenn Poshard
- . Dick Durbin
Indiana">List of United States Representatives from Indiana">Indiana
- . Pete Visclosky
- . David M. McIntosh
- . Tim Roemer
- . Mark Souder
- . Steve Buyer
- . Dan Burton
- . John T. Myers
- . John Hostettler
- . Lee H. Hamilton
- . Andrew Jacobs Jr.
Iowa">List of United States Representatives from Iowa">Iowa
- . Jim Leach
- . Jim Nussle
- . Jim Ross Lightfoot
- . Greg Ganske
- . Tom Latham
Kansas">List of United States Representatives from Kansas">Kansas
- . Pat Roberts
- . Sam Brownback, until November 7, 1996
- * Jim Ryun, from November 27, 1996
- . Jan Meyers
- . Todd Tiahrt
Kentucky">List of United States Representatives from Kentucky">Kentucky
- . Ed Whitfield
- . Ron Lewis
- . Mike Ward
- . Jim Bunning
- . Hal Rogers
- . Scotty Baesler
Louisiana">List of United States Representatives from Louisiana">Louisiana
- . Bob Livingston
- . William J. Jefferson
- . Billy Tauzin
- . Cleo Fields
- . Jim McCrery
- . Richard Baker
- . Jimmy Hayes
Maine">List of United States Representatives from Maine">Maine
- . James B. Longley Jr.
- . John Baldacci
Maryland">List of United States Representatives from Maryland">Maryland
- . Wayne Gilchrest
- . Bob Ehrlich
- . Ben Cardin
- . Albert Wynn
- . Steny Hoyer
- . Roscoe Bartlett
- . Kweisi Mfume, until February 15, 1996
- * Elijah Cummings, from April 16, 1996
- . Connie Morella
Massachusetts">List of United States Representatives from Massachusetts">Massachusetts
- . John Olver
- . Richard Neal
- . Peter I. Blute
- . Barney Frank
- . Marty Meehan
- . Peter G. Torkildsen
- . Ed Markey
- . Joseph P. Kennedy II
- . Joe Moakley
- . Gerry Studds
Michigan">List of United States Representatives from Michigan">Michigan
- . Bart Stupak
- . Pete Hoekstra
- . Vern Ehlers
- . Dave Camp
- . James A. Barcia
- . Fred Upton
- . Nick Smith
- . Dick Chrysler
- . Dale Kildee
- . David Bonior
- . Joe Knollenberg
- . Sander Levin
- . Lynn N. Rivers
- . John Conyers
- . Barbara-Rose Collins
- . John Dingell
Minnesota">List of United States Representatives from Minnesota">Minnesota
- . Gil Gutknecht
- . David Minge
- . Jim Ramstad
- . Bruce Vento
- . Martin Olav Sabo
- . Bill Luther
- . Collin Peterson
- . Jim Oberstar
Mississippi">List of United States Representatives from Mississippi">Mississippi
- . Roger Wicker
- . Bennie Thompson
- . Sonny Montgomery
- . Michael Parker
- . Gene Taylor
Missouri">List of United States Representatives from Missouri">Missouri
- . Bill Clay
- . Jim Talent
- . Dick Gephardt
- . Ike Skelton
- . Karen McCarthy
- . Pat Danner
- . Mel Hancock
- . Bill Emerson, until June 22, 1996
- * Jo Ann Emerson, from November 5, 1996
- . Harold Volkmer
Montana">List of United States Representatives from Montana">Montana
- . Pat Williams
Nebraska">List of United States Representatives from Nebraska">Nebraska
- . Doug Bereuter
- . Jon Lynn Christensen
- . Bill Barrett
Nevada">List of United States Representatives from Nevada">Nevada
- . John Ensign
- . Barbara Vucanovich
New Hampshire">List of United States Representatives from New Hampshire">New Hampshire
- . Bill Zeliff
- . Charles Bass
New Jersey">List of United States Representatives from New Jersey">New Jersey
- . Rob Andrews
- . Frank LoBiondo
- . Jim Saxton
- . Chris Smith
- . Marge Roukema
- . Frank Pallone
- . Bob Franks
- . William J. Martini
- . Robert Torricelli
- . Donald M. Payne
- . Rodney Frelinghuysen
- . Dick Zimmer
- . Bob Menendez
New Mexico">List of United States Representatives from New Mexico">New Mexico
- . Steven Schiff
- . Joe Skeen
- . Bill Richardson
New York">List of United States Representatives from New York">New York
- . Michael Forbes
- . Rick Lazio
- . Peter T. King
- . Dan Frisa
- . Gary Ackerman
- . Floyd Flake
- . Thomas J. Manton
- . Jerry Nadler
- . Chuck Schumer
- . Edolphus Towns
- . Major Owens
- . Nydia Velázquez
- . Susan Molinari
- . Carolyn Maloney
- . Charles Rangel
- . José E. Serrano
- . Eliot Engel
- . Nita Lowey
- . Sue W. Kelly
- . Benjamin Gilman
- . Michael R. McNulty
- . Gerald Solomon
- . Sherwood Boehlert
- . John M. McHugh
- . James T. Walsh
- . Maurice Hinchey
- . Bill Paxon
- . Louise Slaughter
- . John J. LaFalce
- . Jack Quinn
- . Amo Houghton
North Carolina">List of United States Representatives from North Carolina">North Carolina
- . Eva Clayton
- . David Funderburk
- . Walter B. Jones Jr.
- . Fred Heineman
- . Richard Burr
- . Howard Coble
- . Charlie Rose
- . Bill Hefner
- . Sue Myrick
- . Cass Ballenger
- . Charles H. Taylor
- . Mel Watt
North Dakota">List of United States Representatives from North Dakota">North Dakota
- . Earl Pomeroy
Ohio">List of United States Representatives from Ohio">Ohio
- . Steve Chabot
- . Rob Portman
- . Tony P. Hall
- . Mike Oxley
- . Paul Gillmor
- . Frank Cremeans
- . Dave Hobson
- . John Boehner
- . Marcy Kaptur
- . Martin Hoke
- . Louis Stokes
- . John Kasich
- . Sherrod Brown
- . Thomas C. Sawyer
- . Deborah Pryce
- . Ralph Regula
- . Jim Traficant
- . Bob Ney
- . Steve LaTourette
Oklahoma">List of United States Representatives from Oklahoma">Oklahoma
- . Steve Largent
- . Tom Coburn
- . William K. Brewster
- . J. C. Watts
- . Ernest Istook
- . Frank Lucas
Oregon">List of United States Representatives from Oregon">Oregon
- . Elizabeth Furse
- . Wes Cooley
- . Ron Wyden, until February 6, 1996
- * Earl Blumenauer, from May 21, 1996
- . Peter DeFazio
- . Jim Bunn
Pennsylvania">List of United States Representatives from Pennsylvania">Pennsylvania
- . Thomas M. Foglietta
- . Chaka Fattah
- . Robert A. Borski Jr.
- . Ron Klink
- . William F. Clinger Jr.
- . Tim Holden
- . Curt Weldon
- . James C. Greenwood
- . Bud Shuster
- . Joseph M. McDade
- . Paul Kanjorski
- . John Murtha
- . Jon D. Fox
- . William J. Coyne
- . Paul McHale
- . Robert Smith Walker
- . George Gekas
- . Mike Doyle
- . William F. Goodling
- . Frank Mascara
- . Phil English
Rhode Island">List of United States Representatives from Rhode Island">Rhode Island
- . Patrick J. Kennedy
- . Jack Reed
South Carolina">List of United States Representatives from South Carolina">South Carolina
- . Mark Sanford
- . Floyd Spence
- . Lindsey Graham
- . Bob Inglis
- . John Spratt
- . Jim Clyburn
South Dakota">List of United States Representatives from South Dakota">South Dakota
- . Tim Johnson
Tennessee">List of United States Representatives from Tennessee">Tennessee
- . Jimmy Quillen
- . Jimmy Duncan
- . Zach Wamp
- . Van Hilleary
- . Bob Clement
- . Bart Gordon
- . Ed Bryant
- . John S. Tanner
- . Harold Ford Sr.
Texas">List of United States Representatives from Texas">Texas
- . Jim Chapman
- . Charlie Wilson
- . Sam Johnson
- . Ralph Hall
- . John Wiley Bryant
- . Joe Barton
- . Bill Archer
- . Jack Fields
- . Steve Stockman
- . Lloyd Doggett
- . Chet Edwards
- . Pete Geren
- . Mac Thornberry
- . Greg Laughlin
- . Kika de la Garza
- . Ronald D. Coleman
- . Charles Stenholm
- . Sheila Jackson Lee
- . Larry Combest
- . Henry B. González
- . Lamar Smith
- . Tom DeLay
- . Henry Bonilla
- . Martin Frost
- . Ken Bentsen Jr.
- . Dick Armey
- . Solomon P. Ortiz
- . Frank Tejeda
- . Gene Green
- . Eddie Bernice Johnson
Utah">List of United States Representatives from Utah">Utah
- . James V. Hansen
- . Enid Greene Waldholtz
- . Bill Orton
Vermont">List of United States Representatives from Vermont">Vermont
- . Bernie Sanders
Virginia">List of United States Representatives from Virginia">Virginia
- . Herbert H. Bateman
- . Owen B. Pickett
- . Bobby Scott
- . Norman Sisisky
- . Lewis F. Payne Jr.
- . Bob Goodlatte
- . Thomas J. Bliley Jr.
- . Jim Moran
- . Rick Boucher
- . Frank Wolf
- . Tom Davis
Washington">List of United States Representatives from Washington">Washington
- . Rick White
- . Jack Metcalf
- . Linda Smith
- . Doc Hastings
- . George Nethercutt
- . Norm Dicks
- . Jim McDermott
- . Jennifer Dunn
- . Randy Tate
West Virginia">List of United States Representatives from West Virginia">West Virginia
- . Alan Mollohan
- . Bob Wise
- . Nick Rahall
Wisconsin">List of United States Representatives from Wisconsin">Wisconsin
- . Mark Neumann
- . Scott L. Klug
- . Steve Gunderson
- . Jerry Kleczka
- . Tom Barrett
- . Tom Petri
- . Dave Obey
- . Toby Roth
- . Jim Sensenbrenner
Wyoming">List of United States Representatives from Wyoming">Wyoming
- . Barbara Cubin
Non-voting members
- . Eni Faleomavaega
- . Eleanor Holmes Norton
- . Robert A. Underwood
- . Victor O. Frazer
- . Carlos Romero Barceló
Changes in membership
House of Representatives
Lists of committees and their party leaders, for members of the committees and their assignments, go into the Official Congressional Directory at the bottom of the article and click on the link, in the directory after the pages of terms of service, you will see the committees of the Senate, House and Joint and after the committee pages, you will see the House/Senate committee assignments in the directory, on the committees section of the House and Senate in the Official Congressional Directory, the committee's members on the first row on the left side shows the chairman of the committee and on the right side shows the ranking member of the committee.Senate
- Aging
- Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
- * Forestry, Conservation and Rural Revitalization
- * Marketing, Inspection and Product Promotion
- * Research, Nutrition and General Legislation
- Appropriations
- * Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies
- * Commerce, Justice, State and Judiciary
- * Defense
- * District of Columbia
- * Energy and Water Development
- * Foreign Operations
- * Interior and Related Agencies
- * Labor, Health, Human Services and Education
- * Legislative Branch
- * Military Construction
- * Transportation
- * Treasury, Postal Service and General Government
- * VA-HUD Independent Agencies
- Armed Services
- * Acquisition and Technology
- * Airland Forces
- * Personnel
- * Readiness
- * Seapower
- * Strategic Forces
- Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
- * Securities
- * Financial Institutions and Regulatory Relief
- * International Finance
- * Housing Opportunity and Community Development
- * HUD Oversight and Activities
- Budget
- Commerce, Science and Transportation
- * Aviation
- * Communications
- * Consumer Affairs, Foreign Commerce and Tourism
- * Oceans and Fisheries
- * Science, Technology and Space
- * Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine
- Energy and Natural Resources
- * Energy Production and Regulation
- * Energy Research and Development
- * Forests and Public Land Management
- * Parks, Historic Preservation and Recreation
- * Oversight and Investigations
- Environment and Public Works
- * Clear Air, Wetlands, Private Property and Nuclear Safety
- * Drinking Water, Fisheries and Wildlife
- * Superfund, Waste Control and Risk Assessment
- * Transportation and Infrastructure
- Ethics
- Finance
- * International Trade
- * Long-Term Growth, Debt and Deficit Reduction
- * Medicare, Long-Term Care and Health Insurance
- * Medicaid and Health-Care for Low-Income Families
- * Social Security and Family Policy
- * Taxation and IRS Oversight
- Foreign Relations
- * African Affairs
- * East Asian and Pacific Affairs
- * European Affairs
- * International Economic Policy, Export and Trade Promotion
- * International Operations
- * Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
- * Western Hemisphere and Peace Corps Affairs
- Governmental Affairs
- * Oversight of Government Management and the District of Columbia
- * Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
- * International Economic Policy, Export and Trade Promotion
- * Post Office and Civil Service
- Indian Affairs
- Judiciary
- * Administration Oversight and the Courts
- * Antitrust, Business Rights and Competition
- * Constitution, Federalism and Property Rights
- * Immigration
- * Terrorism, Technology and Government Information
- * Youth Violence
- Intelligence
- Labor and Human Resources
- * Aging
- * Children and Families
- * Disability Policy
- * Education, Arts and Humanities
- Rules and Administration
- Small Business
- Veterans' Affairs
- Whitewater Committee
House of Representatives
- Agriculture
- * General Farm Commodities
- * Livestock, Dairy and Poultry
- * Risk Management and Specialty Crops
- * Department Operations, Nutrition and Foreign Agriculture
- * Resource Conservation, Research and Forestry
- Appropriations
- * Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies
- * Commerce, Justice, State and Judiciary
- * District of Columbia
- * Energy and Water Development
- * Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs
- * Labor, Health, Human Services and Education
- * Interior
- * Legislative
- * Military Construction
- * National Security
- * Transportation
- * Treasury, Postal Service and General Government
- * VA, HUD and Independent Agencies
- Banking and Financial Services
- * Capital Markets, Securities and Government-Sponsored Enterprises
- * Domestic and International Monetary Policy
- * Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit
- * General Oversight and Investigations
- * Housing and Community Opportunity
- Budget
- Commerce
- * Commerce, Trade and Hazardous Materials
- * Energy and Power
- * Health and Environment
- * Oversight and Investigations
- * Telecommunications and Finance
- Economic and Educational Opportunities
- * Early Childhood, Youth and Families
- * Employer-Employee Relations
- * Oversight and Investigations
- * Postsecondary Education, Training and Life-Long Learning
- * Workforce Protections
- Government Reform and Oversight
- * Civil Service
- * District of Columbia
- * Government Management, Information and Technology
- * Human Resources and Ingovernmental Relations
- * National Economic Growth, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs
- * National Security, International Affairs and Criminal Justice
- * Postal Service
- House Oversight
- International Relations
- * International Economic Policy and Trade
- * Asia and the Pacific
- * International Operations and Human Rights
- * Western Hemisphere
- * Africa
- Judiciary
- * Commercial and Administrative Law
- * Courts and Intellectual Property
- * Crime
- * Immigration and Claims
- * The Constitution
- National Security
- * Military Installations and Facilities
- * Military Personnel
- * Military Procurement
- * Military Readiness
- * Military Research and Development
- Resources
- * Energy and Mineral Resources
- * Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans
- * National Parks, Forests and Lands
- * Native American and Insular Affairs
- * Water and Power Resources
- Rules
- * Legislative Process
- * Rules of the House
- Science
- * Basic Research
- * Energy and Development
- * Space and Aeronautics
- * Technology
- Small Business
- * Government Programs
- * Procurement, Exports and Business Opportunities
- * Regulation and Paperwork
- * Tax and Finance
- Standards of Official Conduct
- Transportation and Infrastructure
- * Aviation
- * Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation
- * Public Buildings and Economic Development
- * Railroads
- * Surface Transportation
- * Water Resources and Development
- Veterans' Affairs
- * Compensation, Pension, Insurance and Memorial Affairs
- * Education, Training, Employment and Housing
- * Hospitals and Health Care
- Ways and Means
- * Health
- * Human Resources
- * Oversight
- * Social Security
- * Trade
- Whole
Joint committees
- Economic
- Taxation
- The Library
- Printing
Legislative branch agency">List of federal agencies in the United States#Legislative branch">Legislative branch agency directors
- Architect of the Capitol:
- * George M. White, until November 21, 1995
- * William L. Ensign, from November 21, 1995
- Attending Physician of the United States Congress: John F. Eisold
- Comptroller General of the United States:
- * Charles A. Bowsher, until 1996
- * vacant, starting 1996
- Director of the Congressional Budget Office:
- * Robert D. Reischauer, until February 28, 1995
- * June E. O'Neill, from March 1, 1995
- Librarian of Congress: James H. Billington
- Public Printer of the United States: Michael F. DiMario
- Chaplain:
- * Richard C. Halverson, until March 11, 1995
- * Lloyd John Ogilvie, from March 11, 1995
- Curator:
- * James R. Ketchum, until July 1, 1995
- * Diane K. Skvarla, from July 1, 1995
- Historian: Richard A. Baker
- Parliamentarian: Bob Dove
- Secretary:
- * Sheila P. Burke, until June 7, 1995
- * Kelly D. Johnston, June 8, 1995 – September 30, 1996
- * Gary Lee Sisco, from October 1, 1996
- Librarian: Roger K. Haley
- Secretary for the Majority: Elizabeth B. Greene
- Secretary for the Minority:
- * C. Abbott Saffold, until 1995
- * Martin P. Paone, from 1995
- Sergeant at Arms:
- * Howard O. Greene, Jr., until September 6, 1996
- * Gregory S. Casey, from September 6, 1996
House of Representatives
- Chaplain: James D. Ford
- Chief Administrative Officer:
- * Scott Faulkner, until November 22, 1996
- * Jeff Trandahl, from November 22, 1996
- Clerk: Robin H. Carle
- Historian: Christina Jeffrey, 1995
- Parliamentarian: Charles W. Johnson III
- Reading Clerks:
- * Meg Goetz
- * Bob Berry along with Paul Hays
- Sergeant at Arms: Wilson Livingood
- Inspector General: John W. Lainhart IV