2013 in science

A number of significant scientific events occurred in 2013, including the discovery of numerous Earthlike exoplanets, the development of viable lab-grown ears, teeth, livers and blood vessels, and the atmospheric entry of the most destructive meteor since 1908. The year also saw successful new treatments for diseases such as HIV, Usher syndrome and leukodystrophy, and a major expansion in the use and capabilities of technologies such as 3D printing and autonomous cars.
The United Nations designated 2013 the International Year of Water Cooperation.

Events, discoveries and inventions


treatment that uses sickle cells to kill off tumours by starving them of their blood supply.
s of the Andes are melting at an unprecedented rate.
conducts its first successful orbital launch with its indigenous Naro-1 rocket.
to confirm that a newly unearthed skeleton is that of the medieval king Richard III.
, Russia, injuring over 1,200 people.
to date, Kepler-37b.
becomes operational in Chile. At the time, it is the world's most powerful radio telescope.
of the Neanderthal.
Australopithecus sediba.
's SpaceShipTwo suborbital spaceplane makes its first rocket-powered flight.
genes in baboons, potentially leading to new drugs to treat heart disease in humans.
specimens which had been frozen inert in glacial ice for 400 years.
1998 QE2 and its orbiting moon pass close to the Earth.
rules that non-synthetic genes cannot be patented by medical companies.
particles are found to massively increase the effectiveness of antibiotics.
s, allowing for extremely high-bandwidth data transfer.
transplants are found to eliminate all traces of HIV in two male patients.
aircraft becomes the first entirely solar-powered airplane to complete a flight across the United States.
becomes the first robotic aircraft to successfully land on an aircraft carrier at sea.
photographs the Earth and Moon from Saturn.

Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences


, a prominent Russian mathematician and physicist, dies aged 87.
, a Nobel Prize-winning French biologist, dies aged 92.
, an American computer technology pioneer and inventor of the computer mouse, dies aged 88.
