20 Dakika

20 Dakika is a Turkish television drama series broadcast on Star TV. This story talks about a beautiful family. A father, mother, daughter and a son that lived together in happiness and peace. One day, the police stormed in and took the mother to jail. She was suspected of committing a murder and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Her husband tries to prove her innocence while at the same time the criminal investigator tried to find as much evidence as he can to find out the truth. But the big question is did she really commit the murder?

Cast and characters


International broadcast

CountryLocal NameNetworkSeries premiere
Northern Cyprus20 DakikaStar TVJanuary 1, 2013
HungaryEgy Ellopott ÉletSuper TV2July 22, 2013
Russia20 минут9 Channel August 4, 2013
Arab World20 دقيقةMBC1August 21, 2013
Iran20 DaqiqaNex1October, 2013
Sweden20 MinuterSVTJanuary 13, 2014
Mongolia20 минутTV9January, 2014
Pakistan20 MinuteExpress Entertainment2014
Romania20 de minuteEuforia Lifestyle TV2015
Ethiopia20 ደቂቃKana TVMarch 18, 2017