33rd Guards Rocket Army

33rd Guards Berislav Twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rocket Army is one of the three rocket armies that exist today within the Russian Strategic Rocket Forces. It is headquartered at Omsk in Southwestern Siberia.
The 33d Army was formed in April 1970 on the base of the 7th Separate Guards Berislav Twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rocket Corps.


In 1971 the army comprised the 36th Guards Rocket Division ; the 39th Guards Rocket Division ; the 41st Guards Rocket Division ; the 57th Rocket Division ; the 62nd Rocket Division ; the 93rd Rocket Brigade ; the 97th Rocket Brigade ; and the 290th Independent Rocket Regiment. The 290th Independent Rocket Regiment and the 93rd Rocket Brigade were disbanded in 1976.
The 35th Rocket Division became attached to the Army in 1981.
There are four rocket divisions that were in 2009 under command of the 33rd Army:
From 1993 to 1996 the 38th Rocket Division at Derzhavinsk, Turgay Oblast, Kazakhstan was under the control of the 33rd Guards Rocket Army.
From September 16, 2002 to 2007, the 23rd Guards Orlovsko-Berlinskaya Order of Lenin Red Banner Rocket Division was under the command of the 33rd Army.


The 33rd Army is equipped with R-36M2 and RT-2PM Topol intercontinental ballistic missiles.